Chapter 23: The Preakness Stakes

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          It was the day of the Preakness Stakes, just two weeks after the Kentucky Derby this race was everything. We already had one win under our belt and with the hopes of winning the Triple Crown it was necessary to clinch a win in this race or all of our training and long hours into the night and early morning would go to waste and Ralph would be one disappointed man. Three days ago we traveled the eight hours from Kentucky to Maryland and situated ourselves at the racetrack, waiting for this day to come.

        My phone knocked me out of daydream and I answered it, not bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?"

     "Hi Avery, it's Ralph,"

      "Oh I'm so sorry, Gavin and I forgot to call you to tell you that we arrived safely in Maryland and the race is going to start in a few hours. Does Katie have the TV set up for you so you guys can watch?"

     "She does,'' he grumbled "I wish I could have come so I can actually watch in person."

     "I know Ralph but you need to take it easy and recover, maybe you'll be okay to come to the Belmont stakes with us in three week," I said taking his mind off the fact that he still wasn't 100% so he therefore couldn't make the journey with us.

     "If you win today, there is no way that I am missing the Belmont Stakes. I do not care what the doctors says and I do not care what my son and you have to say about it." he says gruffly and I only smile softly at his tone.

     "That's an argument you'll have to have with Gavin and Katie if the racing gods are on our side," I replied with a laugh.

     "I was just calling you to tell you and the darn horse good luck, remember everything I taught you and I know you will do great." he said and hung up the phone before I could reply. It hurt him so much not to be able to go.

     "Was that my dad?" Gavin asks coming around the corner out of the stall that held Fire captive.

     "Yes," I replied "he was just calling to say good luck."

    Fire stuck his head out of the stall and bumped me with his nose, I stroked it absentmindedly as Gavin went to get our number for the race.

     It had been a long drive from Kentucky to Maryland but Fire had slept most of the way, I let myself into his stall and sat on a clean patch of straw in the corner. Fire swung his head around and set his nose in my lap. I smiled and stroked his face as I waited for Gavin to come back. 

    I must have drifted off because I awoke to Fire nosing my face gently. Startled I jumped up and realized that I had fallen asleep in Fire's stall. I then heard Gavin's voice calling out for me, the panic and urgency in his voice coated every word.

     "I'm over here," I called stepping out of the stall and closing it behind me.

     "Oh thank god. I've been looking everywhere for you, I was starting to get worried." he replied coming around the corner the panic and worry melting off his face when his eyes met mine.

     "I'm fine, although I should have a nap before the race, I don't want to fall asleep on the track."  I casually joked and rubbed my eyes.

     "You can go rest in the truck and I'll come get you when it's time to get ready," Gavin says.

      I trudge off towards the truck and after unlocking it I pull myself up into the backseat and pull an old musty blanket over me. I drift off in the backseat of the truck hoping to be well rested before the big race.

      I awoke to Gavin hammering on the truck window his face guilty and panicked. I opened the door and hopped out landing lightly on the gravel lane way, I locked the door and turned to him. "What's wrong?"

     "The race starts in an hour, the time just flew by so fast I didn't even realize it."

     We start to jog to the barn and Fire greets us, already in the cross-ties. I grab my racing silks and hurry to one of the bathrooms to get changed while Gavin begins to groom Fire for the race. After I emerge from the bathroom I grab Fire's tack and Gavin and I proceed to put it on him. Fire is excited and he stamps his foot impatiently, he wants to get going. As Gavin leads us out towards the parade ring I size up my competition, Raein is riding Fury. Blistering Heat and Unleashed Potential are accompanied by their jockeys. Some of the horses are new to this race and some remain the same but the ones I know that are going to be in my way are the same from the last race and they know it. They want to win, they want to ruin my day but Fire is not going to let that happen.

     I enter the ring on Fire's back and the announcer calls out our name. Fire tosses his head and I smile patting his neck, this race will be the hardest. We parade around the ring while the rest of the competitors enter the parade ring. One by one we exit and when it is our turn we are led to gate. Fire shivers in anticipation and I knead my hands along his neck reassuring not only him but myself.  I look to my right and left assessing the riders next to me. I breathe out slowly adjust Fire's reigns one last time. 

     The gates fly open and I give Fire a little extra reign so he can push forward harder. As we round the first turn small groups begin to break off. There are three horses trailing Fire's heels as we emerge in the leading pack. 

     I can see Raein's glossy black hair snapping in the wind just a stride or two ahead of me and riding along the rail to my left is Blistering Heat. Fire doesn't let up and he pushes himself harder so his butt is even with Heat's face. As we come along the final stretch of turf Raein and Fury pull ahead of us and Fire strains to catch up and I give him that last little bit of reign so he can try to catch them but he won't and I know it. 

     We pull in behind Raein and Fury, a close second with Heat right on our tail and I can't hold back the despair brewing in the pit of my stomach. Raein turns in the saddle and grins defiantly at Fire and I as she is led towards the winners circle. Someone in the crowd yells something and the whole crowd on the track goes quiet.

     "That horse is drugged, don't let it go anywhere!!!" A petite blond women in a pantsuit exclaims as she bursts from the crowd.

    One of the track officials rushes towards her and begins to speak to her urgently. One of the track vets emerges from the barns we a syringe and is permitted to draw some blood from Fury. The whole crowd waits anxiously for results. Raein looks on the verge of throwing a fit and Gavin eventually finds me and strokes Fire absentmindedly. The vet returns a few minutes later and hands the sheet to the track official. He takes the sheet and confers with his fellow officials. 

     "Seeing that Storm's Fury has tested positive for drug usage the winner of this year's Preakness stakes is American Fire." Fire tosses his head as Gavin leads him to the winners circle.

     The crowd goes wild as the garland of roses is placed around Fire's neck.

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