Chapter 2: On The Way

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       I stepped into the 7/11 where the elderly man had dropped me off. I glanced around taking in my surroundings and noticed a few men staring at me. I shuddered and turned the other way. I looked at a display of sandwiches and looked for the best deal. They had older sandwiches on sale so picked some up and grabbed a bottle of water. I handed my items to the cashier and she rung them up. I handed her proper change while she exchanged it for the bag containing my food. I grimaced as the plastic bag rubbed the scabbing wounds on my hands from the earlier falls. I sauntered to the ladies bathroom and paused looking at a brightly lit flyer on a bulletin board outside the rooms.

                                                                      Help Wanted:

                                             Needed: Stabled Hand and Jockey

                                             Where: Stone Meadows Stable, Kentucky

                                              Required: 15- 25 years of age

                                              Pay: Minimum Wage

                                              Immediate   Occupancy

                                              Please Contact: 311-4567 and ask for Ralph

     I ripped off the flyer from the board and shoved it in my pocket I ran into the bathroom and tended my needs. I then ran to the counter and asked for a map of Kentucky to locate Stone Meadows. It was an hour away and I hoped they would take me in. I just needed to get there and contact Ralph.

    I begged the lady at the counter to let me borrow the stores phone to call the stables and after a few rings a gruff voice answered.

   " Hello, Stone Meadow Stabled. What may I do for you?" The tough voice asked.

    " Hi, I'm looking for Ralph? Would he be there?" I questioned.

     " Speaking." He replied.

     " Hi my name is Avery Hunter and I'm calling about the stable hand or jockey flyer. I think I'm the person for the job." I rambled.

      " Well, why don't you come down and we can see what we can do." Ralph the man said.

     " I'll try to get there by tonight, do you guys provide a sleeping and eating arrangements?" I questioned.

     " If you meet our standards and you are hired then yes, yes there is." he said.

   I hung up the phone and gleefully called a taxi I was hoping to be getting a job. I was thrilled. I walked outside to the taxi and hoped into the back.

   " Please take me to Stone Meadow Stables." I announced and sat back resting my head on the seat awaiting the place I may call home.


Hey guys what's up, just to let you know I do dedicate chapter to people that follow me and read my stories. I dedicated two chapter from  my book Greaser Girl to two follower/reader. So follow Up!!

Love you guys,


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