Chapter 21: Legal Adult

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     "I'm already home mom. This is my home now." I snap at her.

      "No Avery, your real home with me and Bernard." My mother murmurs and reaches out to brush back a stray strand of hair that has fallen loose from my ponytail and I cringe away.

       "Why would I want to go back to where ever you live now and live with your latest boy toy? I wanted a life, a real one and I found it here. These people here are my family now."

      "Are you dating him?" mom asks.

     "Who?" I shoot back.

     "The boy, the one that was here last time I came to take you home." she says smirking and I just know she means Gavin.

     "You mean me?" Gavin says coming up behind my mother and I. 

      "You did well Avery," my mother comments and I bite back a snarky comment.

     "I'm sorry Mrs..." Gavin starts.

     "Davis... I'm Mrs.Davis," my mother interrupts.

     "Of course, Mrs.Davis you're going to have to leave. Avery has a big day tomorrow and she can not be bothered with unimportant matters." Gavin puts his hand on the small of my back and started to lead me away.

     "Avery, come back here right now!" my mother screams.

     "I'm sorry Mrs.Davis but Avery's a legal adult and can make her own decisions and if you don't get off our property right now I'll have to report you for trespassing." Gavin answers her protests.

   "Well, I never..." my mother trails off and slides back into her silver Ferrari.

    The wheels spin and gravel flies all over the place as she floors the Ferrari. As I watch her tail lights fade off into the distance I turn and bury my face in Gavin chests pushing back the tears that refuse to stop flowing.  He strokes my hair softly and I know everything is going to be okay.


     "Avery, it's time to wake up," Gavin whispers and softly shakes me awake.

     It's race day and no matter how much my body protests I get up and mechanically dress myself. I meet Gavin downstairs and he already has breakfast ready. I swallow the toast, it tastes like sawdust and catches in my dry throat. I can't eat anymore the nerves are getting to me. I knock over my glass of orange juice by accident  and Gavin cleans it up without a fuss. He cleans up the mess of crumbs I've made on the table and I force a smile, just for him. I'm not okay anymore this feels like life or death. Today, I could ruin everything I've worked so hard for. 

     I trudge out to the barn and I'm greeted by Fire at the door. He's eager, he knows. I smile softly at him. "It's the big day boy, we're either going to make it or break it." he rubs his head against my shoulder.

     "I have the trailer parked out front, we're ready to go when you two are," Gavin yells.

      "Ya I'll take him out in a minute and we'll go," I call back.

     "Dude,' I say stroking Fire, "we gotta win this for Ralph because it's all he's ever wanted and this will take this farm so far we won't ever have to look back."

    He bobs his head up and down as if he understands me and I just know that he does. "Okay bud let's go kick some ass."


Sorry that I haven't updated in ages and sorry that this chapter is short I just want the race to be on it's own. I'm super busy so I'll try and get chapters to you as soon as I can


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