Chapter 7: Laying Low

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        Since it had only been two days ago that my mother came and tried to hunt me down, I decided to stay low so if she did come back I wouldn't be in the middle of the front yard excersizing a horse. I decided that I would mainly practice my riding skills out in the back feild with my horse. One day Gavin decided to join me. He took his horse too and had a back pack with him I was trying to figure out what was in it when he waved me over.

        "I was wondering if you'd like to have a picinic lunch with me?" he asked.

        "Yeah, sure but do you have the food?"  I asked stupidly that's what was probably what was in the bag.

        "Right here." he said patting the kit bag on his back.

        We cantered the horses down one of the trails along the property looking for a good place to set up camp. We picked a small hill with a few towering trees on the side. The shade from the trees was nice on my hot skin. I shook my hair out of my pony tail and brushed through it with my fingers. The horses grazed behind me and nickered softly to each other.

        I looked at Gavin who was setting out the food. Our eyes met and I looked away trying hard but failing at not blushing. I never realized how cute he was until lately. He'd probably be a good boyfriend. He was probably taken, people like him aren't usually free or open to girls like me. I brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes and leaned over and grabbed a piece of cheese off the plate. I leaned back on the trunk of the tree and popped it into my mouth.

        " We can start eating now, if you want to?" Gavin said eyeing the sandwitches which looked delish.

        " Sure, did you make everything?" I asked impressed with all the food. There was some cheese and crackers, sandwitches, water bottles, fresh fruit and veggies and ice cream sanwitches.

        "Well I got some help, from my sister." he said

        "You have a sister?" I asked not remembering if he ever mentioned her or not.

        "Yeah, I do but shes a couple years older and out of the house. Her names Katie." he said.

        "Thta's cool I wish I had an older sister." I said.

        "Umm Avery I have a question I wanted to ask you?" Gavin said blushing a little bit.

        "Yeah sure, fire away." I said a little nervous.

        "We have this dance thing at my school, around the end of the year. It's two weeks from now and I was kinda wondering if you wanted to go with me?" he said blushing more profusly.

        The strawberry I had in my mouth dropped out and splattered on my riding pants.

        "Sure I guess, do you really want to go with me?" I asked a little bit shocked.

        "Yeah, if you don't want to that fine. You could go with my sister if you want to get a dress and whatever." he said embarrassed.

        "I'll go with you Gavin, I'd love to." I said a little excited.

        "Thta's great, Katie said she could take you tommorrow. Be up early because she likes to take her time." Gavin said happily.

        We soon realized we had lost our appetites and decided we should go back to the house and barn. We picked up our stuff and cantered our horses home. I slept really good that night. I was so happy he had asked me to go with him.

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