Chapter 4: Meeting Gavin

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    Hottie Alert, my mind literally roared as Frank's son Gavin approached the stables, where I was frustrated with the back breaking work of mucking stalls and soaping water buckets. I quickly ripped of my dirty gloves and smoothed out my already matted hair. I wiped a piece of dirt  off the side of my mouth and straightened up a bit.

     "Avery, can you come here please? Gavin's here to meet you." Frank hollered to me.

      " Coming!" I said and walked slowly and around the corner.

   He was kind of tall and had blondish hair  and piercing blue eyes. My breath hitched for a moment and he turned to look directly at me. He had a very, very cute smile. I think I had just had my first crush!

    " Hey, you must be Avery," he said grinning boyishly " I'm Gavin I'll  be helping you out until you get the hang of things."

    "Nice to meet you Gavin." I said offering him my hand. He shook it and motioned for me to follow him to the feed room.

    " Dad told me to show you all the horses and what they will be eating, every horse has a different feed mix. Depending on what he or she needs." Gavin said sternly. I nodded and he proceeded by showing me each horses mixture that was writing and laminated to their feed buckets.

   " You have to make sure you give it to the right horse, if you don't it could be dangerous." He said evenly. He picked up two buckets and motioned for me to do the same.

      " You can find Groovy Bits, his is the yellow bucket and Jessie's Girl which is the Sky blue one the come back and wait for me. Just open the stall and close it behind you, they are fairly gentle and I'll take the more excitable ones.  All you have to do is pour it in the trough. Make sure the door is shut and locked we don't want anyone getting hurt." Gavin finished and began walking in the opposite direction of where I was standing. I began down the stalls checking the name bars to make sure I had the right horse after searching for Groovy Bits for a couple of minutes I came upon his stall. 

      He was a tall bay horse with gentle eyes and a soft coat that felt like silken cloth when I patted his face. He tossed his head and side stepped over for me so I could get in. I dumped the bucket of grain from the yellow bucket and backed up so he could reach it. I stroked his flank, flicking dust into thin clouds over my shoulder. I shut and double checked the door making sure he couldn't escape.

    Jessie's Girl was a sweet blood bay colored horse who's coat looked like a copper penny. When I walked in she stuck her nose over my shoulder while I was pouring the feed bucket in the trough, smiling I rubbed her neck and excited checking the door.

   When I went back to the feed room Gavin was waiting for me. We picked up the rest of the buckets and went together because the next horses were difficult for even him to do by himself. All of a sudden we heard a sharp click clacking. We turned around to see Jessie's Girl trotting down the hall to the open barn door.


Picture of stalls with horses on side.

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