Chapter 15: Let Him Run

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        I smiled back at Gavin. "Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm going to need it." After leading the horses into their stalls I stumbled along to the bathroom my racing silks and helmet in tow. I slipped on the cool silky fabric and pushed the helmet down on my head in a few minutes I would be racing my first race in the big leauges. I was racing Justice first so I pulled on the green and red silk shirt and the red helmet cover slipping those on I pushed out of the stall door and then out of the bathroom. I returned to where the horses were and smiled at Gavin who looked my outfit over, he nodded and turned back to Ralph who was gesturing and speaking rapidly to the other Jockey.

        "Avery you'll be racing Justice very soon, so be prepared. Gavin is tacking up Justice so I can talk to you about the races. This will be tough competion so do not expect to win this time. If you do lose both races you will still be able to try and race another day but, if you continue losing we can't keep wasting money." he looked at me expectantly.

        "Will the other jockeys get dirty during the race?" I asked with a knot growing in my stomach.

        "They shouldn't but don't expect them to act like your friends, they need to win." Ralph carried on Gavin emerged from the stall leading Justice calmly behind him. The tall chestnut gelding whickered and thrust his head towards me. I stroked his white blaze and he tossed his head up and down. I grinned and followed Ralph and Gavin to the parade circle.  I vaulted up onto Justice's back and gripped the reigns in my hands I shivered and brushed  a strand of hair out my face. We paraded around the circle and then went to the waiting boxes. I took a deep breath and attempted to calm my shaking hands. 

        Ralph started, "Avery, what ever happens it okay. You will do fine we won't be mad if you lose. If something happens and you don't know what to do just let him run. Just let him run." 

        I nodded and squeezed Justice's side out into the sunlight, it was now or never.


Sorry guys for the super duper short chapter I needed to update so it's just another filler. Next chapter she gets to race Justice and Jessie  so it makes up for this chapter.

        Also check out my other stories:

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Jacey Rhett- Jacey Rhett comes to RoyalWood hoping to knock everyone's socks off, but is that really going to happen when she know the super star rider Peyton Black is around.Peyton Black- With the recent loss of her beloved horse Morning Star Peyton decided to apply for RoyalWood. Hoping to take a break from the competitive circuit.  All she really wants is to have team mates who don't care who she is and only see her as a friend.Turns out at RoyalWood it's not going to happen.

Fight Club: Tori Saunders is 22 and has devoted her life to shutting down the illegal dog fights. When she is sent  to Mexcio to try and help shut down the Fight Club. She is put straight to work and because of her age they want her to attract the attention of Joaquinn Santagio the head of the Fight Club. They need her to shut him down. When she ends up falling for Joaquinn what is she to do. They are two people battling against each other yet they don't even know it. Sometime the person you are willing to take the bullet for could be the person about to pull the trigger. Then there's the problem with London. She was saved from one of the earlier raids and when London isn't finding a home Tori takes her in. Could London help Tori?

RoseWood Crime: (Completed and it's a short story) Hanna is a 15 year old girl who loves horses. When she finally gets her horse, Spark, they head off for a trail ride and everything goes wrong  a murder, a mystery and a death threat. What is she suppose to do? Her life is on the line, she can't tell her parents because that will just get her self killed.

Moons Shadow: Georgia Lexus lives in Austriana, Armani. The country ruled by the Moon Walker pack. The only son of Elliana and Tre Urbane, the alphas of the Moon Walker pack, Chase Urbane has come of age and is ready to find a mate. One girl between the ages of 17 and 20 are chosen from each of the 15 provences. They are the chosen. 15 girls will compete for the attention of Prince Chase and only one will prosper. Georgia is hoping to be that girl.

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Greaser Girl 2: Over Again:  It's ten years after the summer with the gang and Mya and Madeline are now 26. Madeline has remained friends with Mya. Mya is now gettint married to Soda and Madeline is the maid of honour. After the tragic day where Madeline walked in on her now ex-boyfriend making out with another girl she hasn't visited the gang. During the whole scheme of things a mysterious stranger shows up to the wedding. The stanger is Dallas although Madeline is the only one who dosent know. Dallas wants a second chance. Mya and Soda want their friends to be happy. Madeline wants a chance to love someone. Are they all willing to do it over again?

Greaser Girl Two is in the same book as the orignal greaser girl>



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