Chapter 13: Racing Raein

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        I whisked away the dust that had settled on Stryker's withers, the tall grey stallion stamped his hoof imapaiently wanting to get the show on the road. Gavin sat on an empty stall door and looked at me amused. He had helped me pick My Sweet Serentity the huge grey gelding stood calmly in the cross-ties as I slid his saddle onto his broad back. I tightened  the girth and adjusted my stirrups. Gavin hopped off of the stall door and began to put the bridle on Stryker. He took the bit and Gavin slid the head-piece over his ears. I slipped the halter over his head and reigns and began to walk Stryker to the track. Gavin jogged up behind me and turned me around.

        "What ever happens out there you are still better than her. She chose Dancing in the Dark one of the fastest but most diffucult horses to ride and control." Gavin said looking me in the eyes. I nodded and softly kissed me gently but firmly and I loved it. "p.s dad texted me and said it will be three races instead if one but you can handle it right?" I smiled bravely and shook my head yes.

        "Gavin?" I asked and he turned back to face me.         

        "Yes." he said a smirk on his face.

        "Make sure to cheer loud." I said and laughing led Stryker to track. Raein was already there with a dark bay horse in tow.

        "Darby." Raein called sharply at the horse who was trying to swallow mouth fuls of track grass he replied my swishing his tail. She jerked sharply on the reigns and the horse threw his long neck up.

        "Okay girls let's get this started."Ralph said and we mounted onto the horse's backs. Ralph led Darby into one of the gates and then returned and grabbed Stryker's. Once in the gate Stryker tensed but remained calm while Darby thrashed wildly. The gates flew open and the bay horse flew ahead of my greay. Raein attempted to keep Darby steady but the wily horse galloped on and flew across the turf digging up plenty with his heels. I hugged the post and guided Stryker along slowly gaining on Darby who was beginning to slow. Raein fought for control and yanked on the horses mouth causing a white froth to form on the edge of his lips. We were neck and neck and the wild horse had not enough energy to catch Stryker and I. We flew around the final bend Stryker's tail streaming out behind him and his mane tickiling my nose. We flew across the finnish line and I threw my hand up in victory. Stryker pranced like a parade horse and we pulled up against the rail with Raein trailing behind.

        "Great job Avery!" exclaimed Ralph and he looked disaprovingly at the heaving sides of Darby. "Take them back to the stable, give them to a groom and choose your next horse." Ralph said and I jogged off with Gavin and Stryker on my heels.

        "What horse should I pick next?" I ask Gavin when I hand Stryker off to a stable boy.

        "Umm for your next two races I think you should race Some Body's Fairy Tale and Roll the Dice." said Gavin.

        "Ok can I seem them and which ones are Raein riding?" I asked followed Gavin down the aisle.

        "Some Body's Fairy Tale is a fillly named CoStar and is a smoky grulla which is really rare I think she's really sweet and is a hrad worker. Roll the Dice is a mare called Ace and she's black with brown points. She is really fast and gentle and takes ques well. Raeins riding Sweet Cinnamon-Prancer and Freedom Dancer- Bounder. I'll grab Ace if you can grab CoStar." Gavin stated and we bustled off to prepare the horses. I found CoStar's stall and led the slight filly out into the ailse. She nosed my shoulder begging to be petted so I rubbed her soft nose. I hooked her up to the cross-ties and began to brush her off. After she was throughly clean I slid the supple saddle onto her back and fastened it correctly. I slid on the bridle and double checked that everything was secure. Seeing everything was good I found Gavin holding Ace's reigns I stroked the mares face and we walked out of the barn with the two horses. I reached the track and vaulted onto CoStar's back. I squeezed her sides and she strode forward onto the track. Raein pulled up beside me with Prancer and sneered.

        "Your going down, Prancer's going to kick your little filly's ass." she said and turned to smile sweetly at Gavin. I guidde CoStar into the gate by my self this time and waited for Raein to postion herself. When she was ready Ralph hit the button and the gate opened I pushed CoStar forward and the two horses galloped side by side. The filly was pumping her legs as fast as she could to keep up with Prancer. I urged her on and she obeyed picking up speed and pushing her nose infront of Prancer the brown horse strained to attempt to put his nose in front but couln't catch the little horse who beat Raein and Prancer by just a nose. I smiled Raein would have a fit if I beat her with Ace next. I bounced off of Costars back and kissed her velvety muzzle. The little horse whickered lightly and a groom led her away.

        Gavin stood paiently waiting for me to take ahold of Ace as I neared he beckoned me closer and pulled me into a hug. "Your doing great, Bounder dosen't race much because he's all show. When those gates open push Ace hard because by the time that grey sets foot outside of the gates you'll be at the finnsh." Gavin said and helped me onto Ace's back. I pulled her into the gates and adjusted my postion. I shifted my weight in the stirrups and readied my self.

        The gates flew open and I heeled Ace forward her hooves ate up the ground and we bounded over the track and wheeled around the turns. I didn't need to encourage Ace with the whip or anything she was flying over the ground and taking long strides. I couldn't even hear Bounder and Raein behind us. We flew over the line. I had just won three consecutive races.  I cheered and threw my arms around Ace's neck.

        I hopped off of her back and into Gavin's arms. "Av you did so great, dad will be so happy he got you as a jockey." I smiled at this and then I turned to find Raein glaring at me  from Bounders back.

        "This isn't over Hunters." she sneered and slipped out of Bounders saddle and sauntered away leaving the grey horses regins in the dust. I snatched them up and handed Ace's to Gavin.

        "Wait, how does she know my last name." I asked worridedly.

        "Honestly Avery, I don't know." Gavin said the same concerned expression.


        Thanks to Molly (@TheNotSoWiseAuthor) and @TheFierceOne18 for helping create the name for four of the six horses. Molly came up with Stryker's character and Darby's and @TheFireceOne18 came up with Prancer and CoStar so round of applause for them. Thank-you very much I apperciate it.


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