Chapter 1: Runaway

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My foot caught on the pavement and I crashed to the ground ripping my knee open and skinning my hands. I couldn't take much more of this. I picked up my bag with my few possessions and stood up leaning on a sign for support. Although it isn't safe for girls to hitch hike I pushed it out of my mind and stuck my thumb out as a car edged along the road. An elderly man pulled up and motioned to the passenger door. I smiled gratefully and gently opened the door and slid into the old car. I breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't some dirty perv that picked me up. "Where to sweet heart?" he asked me gently.

" Nearest gas station, please." I replied.

" What's a girl like you doing hitch hiking? It isn't safe." He questioned starting the car and pulling out into the lane of traffic.

" I'm going to visit someone," I lied through my teeth. "My older sister."

" Okay then, there's a gas station just over this hill missy we will be there soon." He said "Is your sister there waiting for you?"

" No she will be there later to pick me up." I lied again.

"Here you go..." he said handing me thirty dollars smiling.

"Oh my god! Thank-you that wasn't necessary at all mister!" I exclaimed grinning.

"No problem just be careful okay." He said.

"I will mister, I will." I said getting out of the car into the parking lot clutching the bills he had handed me. I walked into the store to buy some food and water for my trip.

I am a runaway and I don't know where I am going and it doesn't matter where I have been. I have to escape and go as far away as possible from my old home. Im going to Kentucky and I'm going to make it big.  


A/N: This is my new story FLY and its going to be pretty good....I hope. Any name suggestions for the girl haven't picked one yet. There's a song/video on the side. If you want to check it out that would be great. Picture of Emma Roberts on the side she plays Avery Maddy

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