Chapter 24: The Final Race

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     This was the final race, it all came down to this. The fame our barn would earn should we win this race. My career as a jockey. The future of Gavin and I. This horse was responsible for so much but I knew he could do it, he had to.

     We arrived at the race track early, the stands still quiet, the track empty. I opened the trailer and Fire swung his head around to look at me and huffed softly. We would be okay, I knew it. Gavin came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders and I leaned my head back to rest it against his chest. 

     "You'll be fine, dad's here with Kate. Everything will be fine," he said calmly and brushed a wisp of my hair behind my ear. I tried to smile but it ended up looking more like a grimace. He began to unload Fire as I gathered my things from the truck and followed them into the barn. 

     A few other barns had arrived and were beginning to get their horse ready. The tension in the air was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Raein and Fury were no where to be seen, Raein for sure would probably never return to the track after the embarrassment she bestowed upon herself. 

     It was almost lunchtime and I would need to get ready soon but Gavin and I needed lunch so as Gavin began to prepare Fire I wandered off to find us food. 

     When I began to head back to the barn after collecting some food for the two of us I caught someone waving at me from the corner of my eye. To my delight I could see Kate and Ralph standing outside the gates trying to get my attention. I hurried over and Kate stepped back a bit. 

    "Avery, I just wanted to talk to you before the race. I believe in you and Fire and you two have done so much for me and business. You've also helped my son so much and for that I am grateful. When you showed up at my house as this scared sixteen year old girl, I almost turned you away, but I said I'd give you a chance. If it wasn't for you, I doubt any of us would be here right now."

    I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as Ralph continued to pump me up for the race looming ahead in the near future. At a loss for words all I could do was nod my head and savor the praise. When he was finished I smiled at him with tears streaming down my face and hugged him. He wished me good luck and I hurriedly wiped my eyes as I returned to the barn with our food. 

     After Gavin and I finished our lunch I went to get changed while he finished preparing Fire. My hands shook as I pulled on my racing silks and picked up my glasses and helmet. I slid on the supple brown boots and made my way back out into the aisle full of horses and jockeys. I received glares from some jockeys and hesitant smiles from others but I knew every single one of them wanted to take me down and crush my dreams of winning the Triple Crown.

     Gavin made one final adjustment to Fire's tack before he kissed me quickly and left, leaving my alone with the horse that everything depended on. His liquid chocolate eyes blinked dolefully at me and I stroked his small white streak, leaning into my touch he rested his head my shoulder.

     "It's all up to you boy, my whole career and life depend on you." I stopped scratching and he butted me gently with his head and I resumed. 

     The other riders began to leave and I gently unclipped Fire from the cross-ties and began to lead him out my legs threatening to give out. 

     As we neared the parade circle I vaulted onto Fire's back and was led into the circle right behind Blistering Heat. I fiddled with my foot in the stirrup as we entered and the crowd began to cheer calling out Fire's name, we were the obvious favorite to win. One of the track officials grabbed Fire's bridle and we were led to the starting gate. I jumped slightly as the gate clanged shut behind us and Fire flickered his ears.

     The warning was given and as everyone readied themselves I prayed quickly that Fire would have his best race yet.

     The bell went and Fire sprang forward shooting out of the gate and immediately pulling to the front of the group. I tried to ease him up a bit so he wouldn't falter and slow but he fought me so I kept him as tight as possible to keep him from bounding farther ahead. I could hear the pounding of the trailing horses behind me and I willed myself not to look back and not to give them a hope of catching us so I focused my eyes between Fire's ears and continued to urge him on. Heat began to creep up along the rail and I gave Fire a bit more rain so Heat would continue to have to stare at Fire's ass. I could sense the urgency in the horses pounding behind me, they were not going to let me win easily and Heat began to creep closer and closer. 

     We started to round the final bend in the track before the home stretch and Fire asked me for more reign and I obeyed. Loosening the reigns all the way I let Fire go and he began to pick up more power that I didn't know he had. We began to push farther away from Heat and as we neared the finish line I looked behind me to see that Heat was 3/4 of a length behind and no one was close to either of us. 

    Fire blew across the finish line and the roar from the crowd was deafening. Fire eased up and we pulled to a stop. I searched the crowd for the one face that I couldn't get out of my mind and I watched as he slide under the railing and jogged onto the track. A track official took Fire's reigns and began to lead us to the Winner's Circle for the photos but I slid off of Fire's back and without faltering jumped into Gavin's arms.

     "I did it," I whispered as he held me tight. Tear streamed out of our eyes and he grinned at me.

    "I knew you could, I told you that," he said and looked over his shoulder to see his father and sister approaching.

    "Do you have something to say to me now," I said elatedly.

    "Avery Hunter, from the moment I first laid eyes on you I knew I was in love. We have been through everything together and I couldn't imagine a day without you in my life. I promised you that I would marry you if you could win us the Triple Crown on that magic horse, but hell I was going to marry you anyway. Avery, would you please be my wife?" Gavin asked dropping down onto one knee and producing a ring from his pocket in the middle of the track.

     "It would be crazy if I said no," I said and let him place the ring on my finger before kissing him yet again. 

    "Let's go get some pictures with the horse that won it all." Ralph hollered at the two of us. All we could do was laugh.

    I walked up to Fire's head and looked deep into his eyes and whispered, "Thank-you, for everything."


So I guess that's it guys. I hope you enjoyed it, it only took me forever to write and I do apologize I am super busy. 


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