Chapter 11: Learning To Fly

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         It was a month after the dance and I couldn't be happier. Gavin and I were still dating and he was so amazing. Every morning he brought breakfast from the house for me and then we excersized our horses. It was mid afternoon and Gavin said he was going to be home later so not to worry if he wasn't around the barn in the morning. I stood in the aisle just putting down one of the race horses last hoof. May Breeze's coat gleamed and I unclipped her from the crossties. I led her into the stall and latched the door behind me. I trudged back down the aisle and I seen a familiar face pop over the door.

        "Hey Jessie." I said and stroked the blood bay mare who had opened the door and ran down  the aisle the first day I was here. I stood there for a couple mineutes absentmindedly stoking her cheek. Suddenly some grabbed me from behind and hugged me tightly. Gavin lifted me off my feet and set me on the edge of the empty stall next to Jessie's Girl.

        "Hey Av what's up?" he said with a devilish grin.

        "Not much just visiting because there aren't many chores today." I said and smiled back.

        "Well Av dad said when you applied you said you wanted to try being a jockey. So one of the race horses, Dutchess is newly retired and she's gentle so he wants you to try her." Gavin said and pushed a strand of my brown hair behind my ear.

       My grin broadened and I jumped into Gavin's arm. Planting a kiss right on his mouth. He kissed me back and swung me around. He set my feet back on the ground and I dance around giddily.

        "Yes finally!" I exclaimed "I have been waiting so long for this." I took Gavin's hand and he led me out one of the back entrances of the barn. Ralph Davis stood there holding the reins loosly of a tall black mare. He stroked her face and glanced over at us. A small smile appeared on his face.

        "This here Avery is Dutchess. Her racing name was Autum Mist." he said proudly. "Born and raise right here at Stone Meadow Stables. She was my wifes favourite she was so gentle Vic would take her for hacks out in the feilds."  Ralph finnished and readjusted his ball cap.

        "She's still a throughbred Av so you have to be careful. Even though we are using her to see how you might do as a jockey she still is an expensive horse that can be used as a broodmare." Gavin said firmly.

        Ralph gave me a leg up and I could feel the power in Dutchess's legs. She shifted her weight and I squeezed her into a walk. She pushed forward and we walked to the practice dirt track behind the barn and we entered.

        "Get used to her Avery you aren't used to this kind of sadle and style of riding so before you try running her." Ralph said and motioned for me to get started. I trotted her along the stretch and then asked her for an easy canter. She cantered and asked for more reign. I let her out a notch and we came arounf the corner nearing  where Ralph and Gavin stood leaning on the rail.

        I looked at them for permission to try galloping her. Ralph nodded and I stood in the stirrups leaning over her neck and tighenting the reigns. I felt the wind whistle past us as she ran in a full out gallop. I was flying I knew it.

        It was the last  race of the triple crown all we needed was to win this one and we had one all three. I was racing the fastest horse I had ever seen and it's body never tired. I came around the last corner with two horse ahead of me I let the reigns slide through my fingers it was all or nothing. His strides ate up the ground and he gained on the two horses fighting neck and neck. I urged him forward with me hands and a burst of speed helped up shoot past them. I barreled past the finnish line and yanked the mighty steed to a halt.

        It wasn't the actual triple crown I sat upon a heaving black horse. Her coat sweaty but she was lively wanting more but enough was enough. I stroked her glistening neck and laughed a joyful laugh. I just galloped a race horse. My giddiness continued and I slid off Dutchess kissing her velevet nose. Ralph and Gavin strode over.

        "Gavin take her for a cool down lap starting from trot to walk while I talk to Avery." Ralph said and I handed the reigns to Gavin.

        "Was that okay?" I asked Ralph unsurely.

        "Yes that was very good and I want you to contine. Dutchess is no longer a race horse, so you will continue practicing on her until he find a suitable race horse for you to mock race on and then maybe in a few months you could race. But that is a maybe you must still continue your chores athough less because you have to learn this." he said. "Do you under stand?"

        I nodded vigoursly. Ralph yelled  to Gavin that he had a meeting with the full-time jockeys so he was to tell Katie that he wouldn't be there for dinner. Then he strode off the track and into the barn. Gavin pulled Dutchess up next to me an vaulted off. Looping the reigns over his arm he took me in his free arm and pulled me tight.

        "You looked so good out there you will be amazing!" he said and kissed my forehead. "Now I'll tend to her and you can go get ready for dinner. Katie is epecting you."


Just want to shout out @HeelsDownEyesUp for helping me give Dutchess her stable name! Pic of Dutchess on side!!



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