Chapter 8: Dress Shopping With Katie

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        I was up early like Gavin told me. I put on my nicest shirt and shorts. I brushed out my hair the best I could and I guss I looked presentable. I stode out of the loft, where I literally lived and kept my stuff, into the isle. Gavin stood there and waved Katie is in the driveway she'll  take you to get your dress.

        I walked out into the driveway and girl was standing next to her car. It was an average car nothing fancy more like an ' it'll do for now car'. She grinned from ear to ear and strode towards me.

        "Hey, I'm Katie as you have probably guessed you must be Avery." still grinning.

        "Yeah, I'm Avery." I said.

        Katie grabbed my hand and motioned for me to get in the car. She jumpd in the drivers side and pulled out of the drive way. I remained quiet for most of  the drive while I let Katie do most of the talking.

        We pulled into the Kentucky Oaks Mall. I hopped out and waited for Katie to lock the car she began walking towards the entrance and I scurried after her.

        It was three hours later and I had everything BUT my dress. I had bought make-up because Katie said we didn't have the same colour although we looked pretty similar. Shoes which were simple and would go with anything. Some clips for my hair and some accesories. We neared the final store that sold dresses and if I couldn't find anything we were literally screwed. Just as we walked in the door Katie grabbed my arm and right there on a mannequin was THE dress. It was a royal purple knee length dress. It had lace along the bottom.  The waist was belted with a darker purple sash and some sparkles trailed down the material. I tried it on in my size and it perfectly. Katie nodded and for once had nothing to add. I breathed a sigh of relief that we had finally found it.

        I emerged from the dressing room and Katie squealed excitedly Gavin is going to fall in love with you all over again. I blushed profusley and laughed why would he be in love with me a highschool dropout who ran away from home and lives in a barn and is trying to become a jockey. I laughed it off and we excited the store after paying for the dress.

        When I got to the stable I took my bags and placed them in  garbage bag glad that  I had something to protect my new stuff with I set them by my bed and curled up into a ball and fell fast asleep.


Sorry it's a supe boring ending to the chapter. I know I'm sorry couldn't think of a way to make it a bit more exciting!!


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