Chapter 6: Mom Comes A Calling.

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      One day after excersizing Hot Spurs in the feild I trotted him up to the barn. As I neared the farm a Ferrarri was outside its glossy finnish refelcting in the air. A woman wearing a tight black bun was standing outside next to Gavin. She wore an umblemmished suit and her heels were polished and shiny. I took one look and wheeled around before they could see me. I pushed Hot Spurs along until we were nearing the woods. I jumped off of him and walked him into the shrubs. The lady was my mom, how did she find me? I lay on the grass with Spurs tied to a nearby tree watching the house for the car to pull away. I couldnt go back she'd take me away. 

         Hot tears of anger soaked my cheeks. How dare Gavin call my mother, or who ever it was! I don't need her she dosent care about me. My dad would tell me to follow where my heart wants to go. He's gone now I miss him alot. I dont miss her though and I couldn't wait for her to leave.

         An hour later she walked back to her car and drove away I untied Spurs and galloped him back to the farm. I rushed quickly through his cool down and brushed him out and put him in his stall. I marched around the yard until I found Gavin brushing  one of the yearling thoroughbreds in the foal barn.

      " Why was my mother here? Did you call her?" I shouted angerly startling the foal.

       " Yeah, I did I asked her about you too. She said you were lazy and didnt apperciate anything she did for you. I told her you were working here and she said she was coming to get you." He retorted

      " What did I do," I said throwing my hands up in the air " my mother was the reason I ran she didnt care about me. I worked my butt off so I could feed my self. She worked late and had affairs with every man in the city I lived in." I yelled tears running down my face.

      With a sorry expression Gavin replied " I didn't know Avery I'm sorry. I'll call her and tell her you ran away to somewhere else when you seen her here today. If that makes it better."

      He surprised me by giving me a hug and wiping the tears from my eyes. I barly know you. She made it sound that you ran away because you didn't want to do anything. I nodded to him no longer able to speak, I was at a loss for words.

     I went up to the loft to eat some dinner and get changed, who knows what was coming now that mother was back in town.

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