Chapter 9: Getting Ready For The Dance

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        I had hours before the dance and I had no clue what to do. Katie had given me her number since the shopping trip incase I needed her for a time like this. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted her. She responded right away and I hauled my bag of dance stuff down from the loft. Hitching it over my shoulder I staggered down the aisle with the heavy bag. Gavin came to my rescue and took the bag from me.

        "Thank," I said and followed him out of the barn. "You really don't have to do this It's  fine I can manage."

        "It's no problem, by the time you staggered out of the barn and found the house it would have been time to go." he said with a grin.

        I punched his arm playfully and followed him the rest of the way to the massive house. Its was a large two story house. It was made of a tan coloured stone and it had a beautiful front walk way with elegant hedges.

        "Wow, your mom must have put a lot of work into those." I said admiringly.

        Gavin bit his lip. "Actually my mom's not around. She died of Cancer last year."

        I instanly regretted what I just said. "I am so sorry I didn't know!"

        "It's okay Av you didn't know." he said offering a weak smile and saying my nick name which meant he was fine.

        I nodded and he opened the door Katie was waiting for me inside the door.

        "Gavin you have to go noe becuase you can't see Avery until she's done. If you come in to get ready stay away from my room." Katie asserted.

        Gavin grinned devilishly "Don't worry Katie I'm sure you'll do a great job." he turned and walked up the stairs to where his room was I guess.

        Katie grabbed my arm and nearly wrenched it from the socket. She pulled me up a different set of stairs and I followed behind with her  still in a tight grip on my arm. She pushed me onto her bed and proceeded to dump the contents of my garbage bag onto the bed. She pulled the dress onto her lap and smoothed a wrinkle in the fabric.

        "I just love this dress." she said and wiped a eyelash off my cheek. "You know Gavin really really likes you, and as his sister I have to tell you to be careful with him,okay. He's been so careful around me since mom died, trying not to displease me becuase I'm kina taking mom's place. Since he started hanging around you he's starting to look like Gavin again the one that I could talk to and hang out with like a normal brother. I thank you for this and helping Gavin become himself again." she reached over and gave me atight squeeze.

        I smiled back and was happy that Gavin was returing to the normal person his sister described him as. She ordered me to take a shower before she prepared me for the dance. I walked into her private bathroom. I  shampooed and condtioned twice to make sure my hair would be silky and smooth I rubbed a rasberry scented body scrub into my skin and let a deep breath go. I was glad I wouldn't smell like a horse barn. I emerged 10 mineutes later with my hair brushed, detangled and blow dried. Katie set to work she curled my hair into soft ringlets and pulled pieces from the front to the back letting the waves fall softly down my back. She swept light champagne coloured eyeshadow across my eye lids and put a touch of white eyeshadow in the corner if each eye to brighten my look. She put a few coats of black mascara on my eyelashes and sealed the deal with a light pink gloss.

        "You look totally gorgeous Avery, Gavin will literally drop on his knees and beg you to go out with him, unless you guys are and haven't told me." she rambled.

        "No Katie we aren't going out yet." I smiled at the entuastic girl and pushed a strand of blonde hair behind my ear. "I am so excited for the dance, thank you so much Katie I really apperciate it." I swiped the begining of a tear from my eye.

        Just then a knock on the door came. I smoothed my dress out with my hands and grinned Gavin was waiting it was now or never.


Who's excited for the dance chapter to. I totally am!!!! Outfit I made on PolyVore for this

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