Chapter 14: The Big Leagues

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        I rolled onto my side and checked my watch 6:30 it read and I groaned and rolled onto my side, it was way to early for this. I pulled back the downy sleeping bag and brushed some stray hay off of my shoulder, it sucked sleeping in the loft. I scampered down the ladder and pushed open the door into the main barn.  I strode past the white board and read off the names of the horses to be prepared for the trailer ride to the races.

        "Hmmm, I'll go grab Justice's Theory and Ouija Dancer they should be the  clamest so I'll load them first." I mumbled to myself Justices Theory was a huge sorrel gelding with a white blaze running down his face. Ouija Dancer was a medium sized dusty brown mare. The two horses were side by side in the stalls and had their heads hanging over the tall doors. I smiled, I hoped I would do this right, it was my first time going to the races as a jockey and groom. I led Ouija into the cross-ties and grabbed an armful of leg wraps. Smothing the hair on Ouija's leg I proceeded to wrap it around her leg. When she was done I grabbed her halter, unclipped her and led her to the massive six horse trailer. I backed Ouija up the ramp and into the two stalls at the back. I clipped her to the ring on the wall and sauntered out.

        After leading Justice, Jessie (yes I mean Jessie's girl) and Stryker into the trailer there seemed to be a bit more life in the barn. Two other jockeys bustled around gathering the equipment. Another groom had the last two horses on lead and was just nearing the trailer. I caught a glimpse of Ralph and Gavin appeared moments later, two coffee mugs in tow.

        "You excited Av?" he asked and handed me a flowery mug. I gladly took it and nodded.

        "Will I be riding today?" I asked and Gavin shrugged.

        "You better ask dad that because he calls all the shots around here." Gavin awnsered and nodded to Ralph who was carrying an arm-load of jocjey gear.

        "Hold this," he said thrusting the gear at Gavin and pulling one off the top of this pile. " when you race Justice you'll wear this," he thrust the red and green silks at me "when you race Jessie you'll wear the blue silks with the pink helmet cover." he finnished and handed me the pile of gear. "Put that in a bag and get changed there we need to go now." he finnished and rushed off. I dumped the racing silks into a plastic bag and rushed after Ralph.

        "What do I wear for pants and boots?"I ask with pleading eyes.

        "Paddock boots and run to the house and ask Katie for a pair of clean, white racing pants. Keep the ones she gives you, they are your now. Anything else?" he asks.

        "Ummm yeah I need a helmet." I state.

        "Ask Katie for a helmet too, keep it." he says and rushes off.

        I sprint to the house and pound on the door. Katie opens it, in her pyjamas and a messy bun.

        "Oh hey Avery." she says tiredly.

        "Your dad sent me here he needs a racing helemet and clean white racing pants." I recited and Katie nods. She motions for me to come in and  races up the stairs.

        About five mineutes later she returns and hands me a pair of pants and a helmet.

        "Thanks Katie." I say and turn to the door.

        "Wait Avery," she says and I turn back to face her " come over after the races to hang out. I have a surprise for you." I nodd and pulll open the heavy door. Pulling the clothes to my chest I race to the truck which as pulled up to the front of the house. I leap in and buckle. Ralph revs the engine and the three of us pull out onto the road to Ellis Park one of the many race cources in Kentucky.

        As we near the massive park I shift the clothing bags into my lap and I push closer to the window attempting to soak everything in.

        "Guys, you'll all follow me to the assigned stalls. Everybody take a horse there are five of us so it all works." Ralph says adressing Gavin,I and the two jockeys in the back seat. "Avery you take Justice since he's the calmest and Gavin take Ouija we have the rest." One by one the horses were led out of the trailer until only Ouija and Justice were left. I clipped Justice to a lead line and led him down the ramp, his hooves clacking on the metal. We walked the horses in straight line into the barn and to the six assigned stalls. I made sure Justice was situated and then closed the stall door firmly. I grabbe my bag of clothes from the truck and trailed after Gavin who was wandering around. I followed him up to the race track and he turned to me.

        "Welcome to the big Leagues Avery." he said with a grin.


Hey guys havent updated in forever sorry :( what do you think, it's just a filler chapter next chapterc she's going to get to race Jessie and Justice! Pic of Ouija on the side.


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