Chapter 10: The Dance

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        I smiled softly as Gavin opened the door. His face broke into a smile he clutched something in his hand.  I walked over to him and offered him my arm. He took it gladly and led me down the stairs. This is for you he said and extended his other hand offering me a beautiful corsage for my wrist. It was held in place with a beautiful silver bracelet that I would definently keep after this. It was a single red rose with beautiful green leaves and many (fake) pearls decorated it. I almost began to cry no boy had ever been this amazing to me ever. He brushed a tear out of my eyes.

        "Thank-you so much Gavin." I said.

        "No problem Av." he replied.

        I stepped into the car and Gavin buckled into the driver side. He had just gotten his G. We drove in silence but as we neared Gavin said. "Just stay with okay don't leave my side. There are alot of kids here that have heard about you and want to get at you becuase you don't go to school."

        I nodded at little concerned.

        We arrived at his highschool and I took one final deep breath in the car before I stepped out and took Gavin's arm. Teenagers from grade ten eleven and twelve flowed into the open doors. I clung terrfied to Gavin's arm. He smiled and as we neared the doors I could hear the puling beat of music. As we entered the grand school we followed the trafic towards the enormous gym. There were tons of beautiful girls I didn't know why he wouldn't go with them.

        Just then as we entered the gym a slow song came on (weird timing right) Gavin took my hand and led me onto the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I shivered in pleasure and he pulled me closer. I placedmy forhead agaisnt his and we swayed to the music.

        "Avery, I wanted to ask you something and I've been meaning to do this for a while. I think I'm in love with you and I know I have only really met you a couple months ago but, I am completly and utterly in love with you. Avery will you be my girl friend, I should have asked you before I asked you to this but I was so nervous." Gavin said not looking me in the eye.

        "Gavin, I love you too. So much it's not even funny but why me and not some other girl. There's plenty here that are better than I am. I'm just a runaway. I have no highschool education, I live in a barn literally." I said tears brimming my eyes and threatining to spill.

        Gavin took my face in my hands blotting the tears with his thumbs. "Avery, I only want you." with that he kissed me gingerly and then with more fire I kissed him back and ran my hands through his hair. This kiss was like a whole new world was set down in front of me. Gavin really liked me  and everything he said was true. When our lips parted I looked at him out of breath. His eyes looked back at me pleading me to say yes. I nodded and buried my face into his chest. He smelled like mint.  He kissed my head and we continued dancing.

         It was getting late and we were soon going to leave. Gavin and I were exhilerated. We danced the whole time and stopped only a few times to get a drink. I was never more happy.  As Gavin and I stood by the punch bowl I told him I had to go to the bathroom. He nodded and gave me directions. As I headed to the bathroom a very pretty girl with long brown hair and almond shaped eyes motioned for me to come over there. I ignored her and continued walking to the bathroom. Just then I felt a hand on my arm and was spun around.

        "Who are you?" the girl demanded.

        "Avery Hunter." I said keeping my tone even but I was anything but calm. I was at least a head shorter than she was, but had the same petite build.

        Her eyes narrowed. " You the one that came with Gavin." she said snootily.

        "Yeah so what that I came with my boyfriend." I said holding back the snarling tone I wanted to use.

        " Oh I see," she said examining my nails. " boy-friend well when did this happen."

        "Dose it  matter, I don't even know who the hell you are." I said getting pissed off.

        "Well what if I told you that Gavin has already asked me to prom." she said and flipped her brown hair over her shoulder.

        "Yeah I think you have the wrong guy." I said and angrily.

        "Nope, he like asked me two months ago its like next month." she said in a very annoying voice.

        I opened my mouth to retort but was cut off by a voice behind me.

               "There you are Av, I was wondering where you were I thought you were lost. I see you've met Raein Marshalls." Gavin said with a worried look. He put his arm protectivily over my shoulders.

        "Oh hello Gavin, I was just telling you date to the dance about how we are going to prom together." Raein said with a sickening grin.

        " About that," Gavin said  "I kinda have a girlfriends but Raein I think it's best we don't go together now that I'm dating Avery." he said and pulled me closer.

        "I think this is our cue to leave now." I said and Raein stood there mouth gaping looking like she was fishing for the words to come back at. I wiggled my finger good bye in a tata gesture. Gavin took his arm off me and took my hand instead.

        "Avery, I'm really sorry." his eyes boring into me truly upset.

        "It's fine really Gavin its is." I said.

        "Okay I think it's best we go now." I said and he nodded leading me out to the car. I was really and truly in love with this boy.


So what do you think about Raein Marshalls?

Update Soon Luflies.


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