Chapter 5: Race Horse Out The Door.

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 Oh my god! Jessie's Girl nosed her way through the open barn door and trotted down the lane to the paddocks. Gavin looked at me and began to laugh. Why the heck was he laughing? A million dollar racehorse just ran out the door and he was LAUGHING!

    "Avery I think I forgot to tell you that Jessie knows how to open doors." Gavin laughed.  I narrowed my eyes and him and after dusting off my pants and  grabbing  a sky blue lead rope I ran after Jessie. I slowed to a walk when I neared her gently patted her gleaming side.

"Your some mischief maker." I said laughing at myself. I clipped the lead line to her halter. I clucked to her and we began to walk back down the drive to her stall.  Gavin was just coming out the door leading two horses all tacked up. Wow he was fast I wasn't even gone five minutes.

"Avery, go put Jessie back in the stall and meet me here in five minutes. Ok?" Gavin said. I nodded and jogged off with Jessie. I noticed that there was a tiny latch at the bottom of the stall that could be opened from the outside but wouldn't open if pushed from the inside I guess it faltered and that's how she got out. I slipped her into the stall and made sure both locks were secure. I quickly got back to the place Gavin wanted to meet me. He held out a horses reins to me and motioned to get on. I took them and jumped up onto the horses back.

" This horse here is Hot Spurs. He's one of those horses that  take the thoroughbreds to the starting gate. He just helps them here to learn to be calm. He's an ex-circus horse," Gavin continued "I'm riding  Bells, she and Hot Spurs came from the same place. We have two others, but they are used in actual races. They want us to exercise these two every day because they don't get out much. If I'm not here you can just take Hot Spurs out, he's kind of your horse and Bells mine too." Gavin finished.

"Wow, I said my very own horse." I whispered  patting Hot Spurs brown and white neck. Gavin motioned for me to follow him and we walked down the lane into the smooth field where Gavin began teaching me how to become a good rider.

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