Chapter 3: Stone Meadow Stables

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   As the driver pulled into the long drive of Stone Meadows, I couldn't help but shove my nose up against the windshield. My jaw dropped at the mere sight of the pastures. Elegant long-legged thoroughbreds grazed on rich green grass. The pastures gates were smooth and stained a dark lacquer and polished to perfection. The gravel crunched along as the little car surged forward to a gate closing over the entrance to a  horse lovers paradise. The speaker crackled and demanded a reason for entering.

  " Job interview." I stated holding my composure.

  " Enter when gates open." The voice on the speaker dictated.

   " Yes Sir!" I volleyed a little to excitedly.

     The gates uttering no squeak swung open letting me into horse haven. I leaped out before the driver could stop. Thanking him with his pay, I took off down the drive to the stone paved stables nearly flying into the man stooped over picking weeds. He stood brushing his pants off and offered his hand.

    "I'm Ralph, Ralph Davis. You must be Avery Hunter?" He said with a bit of edge yet welcoming.

     " Yes, I'm Avery and may I say its a privilege to be here sir." I said politely.

     "Well, I'll show you around and we can get down  to business." He said sweeping his arm as if her were a game show host saying this may be yours. I nodded and we started.

   He showed me the exercise track which the horses trained on it was very nice and had everything that was needed plus more. If they accepted to train me as a jockey I was sure to have everything I needed. I was shown the feed room, the tack room and much more places that met everything that was needed to run a beautiful place like this one. He showed me a few of the horses introducing me to them and seeing how I reacted to them. Having lessons on horses and my uncle owning some, I immediately took a liking to one named Summer Sabre but he was older and  would soon be off the track.

   " Now lets get down to business Avery. Do you know anything about jockeying?" Ralph began.

    Shaking my head I explained." I took riding lessons and I have a thing with horses. I am a quick learner and if I can't be a jockey I'll pull my own weight doing something else. I just want to be around horses." 

  " I'll tell you what Avery, We'll start you off caring and cleaning the horses stalls and possibly grooming them. I'll introduce you to my son and he will help you until you get the hang of it. Maybe we will train you to exercise the horses first. Don't get your hopes up but we may start training you to be a jockey." Ralph stated looking for my approval.

  " I need food and housing too and some money for clothes and other things" I added meekly.

    "We will accommodate you with most of those things, you will get a weekly allowance depending on the work load you performed over the week. Understood?" Ralph answered.

   "Yes sir I'll do my very best." I answered.

       " Good," he said " tomorrow you'll meet Gavin."

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