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A/N: If you haven't read my other two Ben Hardy books: I Got My Mind Set On You, and You're My Best Friend, then go do it now so that you aren't lost.

If you have, welcome back. Hope you enjoy this first chapter. :)

"Waa! Waah!" Daphne cried out. The Four-month baby cried out as she waved her arms, lying on her back. Normally she slept through the night, but tonight wasn't going to be one of those nights. It was if the child knew something was going to happen. This new thing called the corona virus was spreading rapidly. Nobody knew what it really was until a couple weeks ago. It is dangerous and very contagious.

Kara had just started getting back to work 2 weeks before that, after having the twins: Miles and Daphne. Normally in England, you can get six months paid maternity leave, but that didn't apply for when you own business. She missed the jewelry store. She missed helping others out with their personal jewelry taste and hearing their personal stories.

But it got harder to be away from the twins day after day, so when the virus hit, she figured out what was important, and closed down the store and offered costumers her email so she can zoom with them while picking out the jewelry she had on hand and on her site. This way, she could have everything while keeping everything, and everyone safe. She also made sure she stocked up on food, beverages, diapers, and other baby things just in case everything ran out soon.

However, unlike most people, she was trying to clear out the ales like back in America. Ben wasn't yet home from his latest film project and she had been worried about him as she hadn't spoken to him in days and hoped nothing bad happened to him. She thought this as she was dreaming.

When she heard her little girl screaming, she immediately got out of bed and went into her and Miles room. His crib was first in view when you walk into the room, and usually when Daphne was up crying, Miles would be screaming his head off as well. But not tonight. Tonight, he was sleeping peacefully. "Oh, what a surprise. You get to sleep threw this." She teased Miles. She made it over to Daphne's crib. "Aww what's wrong, baby girl?" She asked picking her up gently.

She took a whiff of her diaper. "Ohh yeah you need a changing." Kara brought her over to the changing table and took off the diaper, cleaned her up and put on a new diaper and then Kara cleaned her hands with sanitary wipes. She then sat down with Daphne in the chair nearby. "Doesn't that feel better?" She asked her, holding her in her arms. "Don't tell your Auntie Holly or Auntie Lucy, but I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." She smiled feeling so blessed as to be a mother. Even in a time like this.

People would ask her during zoom sessions how she could be raising two newborns during the pandemic. How could she go through this? She would always answer how could she not go through this with them. Anyone who didn't have kids didn't understand that fact. That this was a time that made them appreciate being a mother more. She loved Ben a lot and her business, but this was a new deeper love that she couldn't image not having them in her life.

They were just so sweet and quite up until tonight. Kara had one of the easiest pregnancies ever. Only having to deal with the morning sickness, and a little bloating. She was only about 10 pounds away from her goal weight. Breastfeeding took care of most of the weight loss.

Anyone who actually had kids would understand. She was lucky to be home with them. Just then Miles woke up crying. "Here we go again." Kara said to herself and put Daphne back in her crib to attend to her brother.


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