Zoom Date Night

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It was going to be another 9 days before Ben would come back home. Kara was happy that Ben was alright. It was scary for a while. Not knowing where he was and didn't understand why he couldn't come home, but these were strange times and she was still getting used to the way things were.

Today, was almost like any other day. She woke up, feed the twins and then feed herself, showered, and then took Frankie for a walk along with the twins on a walk. It was a pain to try and push both the babies and try to walk Frankie with the other hand. The streets and sidewalks were norrower In London than they were in LA. In LA, when someone walked their dog, you could turn to your side to let the other person and their dog pass by. With the non sidewalks of London, the people walking by you were basically out on the street. "Sorry." Kara kept saying through her mask the best way she could articulate. 

The further she walked the more people she ran into. She was surprised of how many people were out. In LA there wouldn't be because no one talks in LA. Thinking of LA was making her miss Holly. She wished she could see her again. Fly home once again. She wasn't sure when that was going to happen. That made her sad. She took a deep breath and let that one go. She knew she couldn't control that right now, so why bother dwelling on it. 

Soon, she saw a couple familar faces or at least to whom she thought was familar what she could tell undernath the masks. "Charlie, Ian?" She asked just to make sure it was them.

They both in the middle of a conversation, turned to their left after hearing the voice. "Kara?"

Kara nodded and tried to show a smile. "Yes. How are you guys?"

Charlie smiled, "Oh my, Hello. Nice to see you. I'd give you a hug, but you know. We're good. Hanging in there. How are you, my darling?"

"I'm hanging in there as well. And with these two." 

Charlie looked down at the pram and smiled. "I can see that. May I hold one of them."

"You have clean hands?" 

"Hang on." Charlie pulled out some hand sanitsor from his pocket, squrited some into his hands, rubbing them together and handing some to Ian. He also rubbed his hands with it. "May I as well?" Ian asked after he rubbed his hands.

"Of course." 

Charlie picked up Daphine and Ian picked up Miles. Even though they both held them when they were newborns, it had been a while since they last them. "They are perfect." Charlie said to Kara.

"Yeah, it hasn't been easy, but I couldn't imaged living even in the time without them."

Charlie and Ian smiled. 

"Sorry, that's cheesy."

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