Kara's Birthday

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Ben walked into their bedroom  while Kara was still asleep. He was holding her breakfast on a tray to surprise her with a birthday breakfast in bed. It was 7am. Unusual for her to sleep in. Normally the twins would've been crying and she would change them and nurse them, but today she didn't hear a word. So she sleept. 

Soon she opened her eyes when the smell of coffee, bacon, eggs and pancakes with maple syrup hit her nose. "Ben?" She asked waking up, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, my love." He walked closer to the bed, and sat down with the tray.

"What time is it?" 


"Oh I gotta check on the twins." She got up out of the bed. 

"They're at Rami and Lucy's. I dropped them off a couple hours ago.

"Do they have everything?"






Their toys?"

"Yes. Don't worry they'll be fine."

"I know." She looked down at her tray? "Is that for me?"

"Of course." 

"Both coffees?"

"No." He teased and grabbed his. Kara laughed and dug into her breakfast. "MMm.. this is very good." She said digging into her pancakes. 

"Happy Birthday, baby." He smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

She dug further into her in breakfast. "You eaten yet?" 

"Theirs a plate under yours. I just wanted to surprise you with yours." 

She smirked at him for his sneakieness and put down her fork and knife and took the plate from under hers. There was a lot of bacon, so she put that on his plate and the extra eggs and handed him his plate and the extra fork and ate with her. They ate together and she put down her plate on the tray and sat back with her coffee and cuddled Ben after he finished his food. "Thanks, baby. This was really lovely of you to do." She kissed his forehead.

"Your welcome. What do you want to do today?" 

Kara thought about it. "Well.. since movie theaters aren't open. Why don't we go to one of the bookshops and then watch a couple of movies here and order sushi for dinner?" 

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