Text messages

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Four days later-------

Ben: Hey wifey.  So sorry I couldn't contact you before, but I had no cell reseption and no wifi in Canada.

Kara's heart skipped a beat once she looked at her phone after putting the twins down for a nap. She smiled and texted him back.

Kara: Hey hubby! It's okay. I'm just glad you're good. Are you? Where are you now?

Ben smiled once he got the text back from her. He was so relieved that she wasn't mad at him for not contacting her.

Ben: Yeah, I'm good. Are you? How are the twins? I'm actually in London not too far away.

Kara: I'm good. The twins are well and so is Frankie. Oh really? Can you come home?

Ben: Not yet. I only just got back a few days ago and I'm quarintining for the next ten days.

Kara: And then you'll be home?

Ben: Of course.

Kara: Can I drop you off some food? 

Ben: No thanks. Alec Baldwin's private chef made me some meals and gave me a bunch of groceries so I won't starve. He also has his own private plane.

Kara: Amazing! If you have his address, I'd like to send him a thank you.

Ben: You could try but he might be wary of packages being sent out at this time.

Kara: Fair point. I can't wait to see you. Let's have a facetime, soon because I just want to look at you again. 

Ben: Same here, babe. What about a movie night where we watch the same movie on Netflix

Kara: I'd love that. Tomorrow?

Ben:  It's a date.

Kara: <3 <3 <3

A/N: Sorry I forgot to post last week. I didn't have a laptop to myself and now I've bought one, so more update coming!-Dreamcast45

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