Maybe You Should Talk To Someone

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"Hi there, Max. How are you today?" She asked the costumer on Zoom that had emailed her about an engagment ring he wanted to get his girlfriend. She didn't get too many of these lately like she used to. Guess maybe why try to get married at all around this time. Why make that comment when you can't have a wedding when all your family can't travel to see it and gather when it wasn't safe.

"I'm splended." He answered with a smile, excited about getting this ring made. "How are you?"

"As well as one could be." She looked out the doorway towards Ben in another room reading. The twins were down for a nap, and he didn't feel like watching anything. Kara and Ben hadn't spoken since he realived his night out with Oilvia. She had thought to herself that maybe she was overreacting. It's not like he incouraged the kiss or wanted it, it's just that she was scared that history was repeating it's self again. Her ex Gerald hadn't minded sleeping with someone in their own bed and this had triggered that for Kara. She was afaird of losing him to someone else like that and it scared her. 

After a minute Max waved his hand . "Hello? Did the screen freeze?"

Kara turned turned back to Max. "Sorry, one second." She said, got up and closed the door. Ben saw this and was sad that he did that, thinking that she might divorce him, but then he thought it might be her just speaking with a client. Since he was, for now an out of work actor someone had to be bring in money. He had a pretty good savings, that also helped pay the bills, but how much long could it last? And Kara liked her work. "So what kind of engagement ring are you looking for?" She asked Max, now showing him that he had her full attention.

"Well.. I want something huge to show my love for her. Something in a square shape would be nice."

Kara started to take down notes. Since she didn't have her usual shop with everything, she had to take a note to remember later when she would be creating and sending off the materials. "Okay. Do you like silver, gold or platinum"

"Umm... I'll go with platinum. My girl is into the best most fashionable stuff. Like Nancy Pelosi

Kara rolled her eyes but continued to write that down trying to not roll her eyes at that. 

"Okay. Do you want a regular diamond or one of the gems."

"What do you mean?"

"Well.. there's canory, sapphire and other blue colored diamonds, pink, rubies and emeralds." She said looking at her ring.

Max caught this and asked, "Oh are you married?"

He asked cheerfully. Happy that to be talking to a married jewelry maker. She would really know what she was talking about now. 

"Yes. Now what kind of diamond do you want?" 

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