The Secret Part Two

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Kara listened to Ben speak. This was as if all this was happening to her again and she couldn't believe it. She thought they were good. She thought he wouldn't do this to her."You did what??" She asked as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She hoped that she heard it wrong. Dear God she hoped she did.

Ben cleared his throat as the word got stuck there, as it came out in a mumble. "I kissed Olivia." 

"Who's Olivia? Your Pixie co-star Olivia?" 

"Yes. How? Where? WHY?" She asked glaring at Ben, but hoping there was more to this. He wasn't a cheater, so why would he cheat on her.

"She came to visit me on the Voyeurs and we went out to a pub in Canada. I was trying to get one of my cast mates but they didn't want to and I didn't want to leave her alone, as she came all that way and we had a couple drink and she had a few shots and as I walked her back to her hotel and she kissed me."

"Did you enjoy it?"

Ben shook his head.  He was so committed to Kara that he didn't really think of other woman. Kara was enough for him. "I pushed her away. I love you and I only want you."

"Then why does it not seem like it?" 

"Are you joking? We just had sex, Kara. I felt like we connected. Not every time has to have the happy ending, you know. I loved just being with you. I don't want anyone else,  just you. I'm just sorry I never told you. I just didn't want to upset you because it meant nothing and I didn't kiss her back or anything because of this." He showed her his wedding ring, the thing he never took off, expect to wash his hand. The camera man always never showed his left hand during scenes.

"But you didn't have to invite her out. Maybe she thought she had a shot because you went wanted to go out alone." Kara said, relieved that he didn't cheat, but he wasn't in the clear just yet.

Ben sighed, knowing that she was right. He didn't want to put her through what Gerald put her though. She didn't deserve that. But maybe he did. Unintentionally though. "I know. I could've just said no and thank you for coming. I'm sorry. I won't ever do something like that to you again."

Kara raised her eyebrow. "You better not." She warned him as Ben knew how much Gerald hurt her by cheating on him. Ben had been a nice comfort to her before they got together and then they just happened. But was it too fast? Did the heat die? Did their love die?

Ben moved closer to her, gave a kiss on her forehead, he tired to wrapped his arms around her, but she jerked back on the bed.

"Babe." He said softly. "I promise you that I didn't kiss back." 

Kara shook her head. "You should've take her out like that alone." She said loudly and stormed out. Ben was about to say something, but she left so quickly he couldn't. It wasn't his fault and she may had a point. Olivia was coming on a bit strong and wasn't just lonely. Boy he was feeling really stupid right now. He laid back down on the bed, and sighed knowing that he royally screwed up.

Kara walked into the room nearby, which was the guestroom. She turned on the light. She realized that she was naked and about to get into a bed where the sheets hadn't been washed in a while. She sighed and went to go grab some pajamas  in her and Ben's room. She went turned on the light. "Excuse me." She said as she entered knowing that he must've been asleep and got her pj's and put them on and walked out of the room and into the next room, got in bed. 

Seeing as she wasn't sleepy, she grabbed a book she put on the night stand for guest. Lucy would've appreciated it. Obviously, because of covid-19, they wouldn't be having any guests, so it was a better time as any for Kara to be reading those books. After all, why not a neglected person, give attention to a neglected object?  

A/N: Do you guys think Kara is overreacting? 

Hope you all have the good rest of your day.-Dreamcast45

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