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Kara waited patiently for the therapists to come onto the zoom call. She was bored and wondering if this was a good idea. Maybe she should just talk to Ben about this. She didn't know how to, but she would try soon. Hopefully this will give her the courage to do so.

20 minutes later, she still wasn't coming on. Kara didn't have time with this. She could be spending time with a client doing what she loved, helping people pick out the right gift for their love ones. But here she was: having her time wasted on someone whom can't brother to show up on time.  

When she was at University,  if a professor failed to show up to class with the first 15 minutes, you got to leave. Maybe she should do that now. Just as she was about to log off, Dr. Chou had answered the call finally. "Kara?" She asked as she popped on the screen.

Kara turned her attention to her. "Yes. Hi Dr. Chou. How are you?" 

"Good. How about you? Sorry my kid needed to be nursed."

Kara phewed a sigh of relief, cause at least if the Dr. was going to be late it was for a good reason. "It's okay. I'm a new Mom myself. I get it."

"How's that going for ya?" She asked getting right into the session.

"Okay. Stress-full, but now that my husband is back, it's been easier."

"Was he away?"

"Yeah he was on a film project and couldn't get back into the country."

"Where was he?" 


"And you guys live--?"


"Oh, that is tough. How'd he get back?"

"Private plane."

Dr Chou nodded. "The people in the movie business have their connections." 

"Indeed. I'm glad he's home." She said with a half unsure smile.

"What's it like since he's been back? I know a lot of couple are having a hard time since the lock down happen. Can't go to work, so there's no time away. But as you said, he's good with the baby."

"Babies." Kara corrected. "Twins. Miles and Daphne. Um... yeah it's been weird, but not for the reason you mentioned."

"Whys that?"

"Well... when he was on a job for a movie, his co-star from another film came to visit him. He tired to get other co-stars on the current film to go with them, but they couldn't for whatever reason, and she kissed him."

Epiphany- B.H. 3Where stories live. Discover now