I Have To Tell You Something

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A few days later---

Kara and Ben had fallen into a bit of a route all really. Ben did his early morning run and weight training to put back the museal he lost in Canada not eating and working out due to his missing Kara and the kids. Kara breast feed and changed their dippers. Walked Frankie on the days he worked out, then feed her and sat down to breakfast with Ben. Some days it was eggs and fruit, sometimes with toast, oatmeal, or granola from the LA Brea bakery sold at Gelson's market in LA, that she reimburse Holly for sending her. 

During the day, Kara made jewelry, checked on orders. Answered questions that were left on the site and went down to the post office to send off the packages. She waited in line for over an hour in the line. 

"Waiting long?" This one man asked through his mask.

Kara, took a few seconds to respond as the voice was muffled. She nodded her head, not really in the mood to talk. Please that felt like a come on line. 

Then, it was back home to make tea and enjoyed it with Ben. Then, it was time to make dinner. She feed the twins, Ben helped her with the changing of the dippers. Once again, they took turns with which baby they would change. 

After they washed their hands, they both went into the kitchen, "What are you in the mood for babe?" Kara asked, not sure of what to make. 

Today, Ben didn't feel like cooking or cleaning up and he didn't want to have Kara do that either. "How about Indian? I feel like something spicy."

"Are you sure, babe? We don't want to get into the habit of take out."

Ben nodded his head, "It's okay once in a while, plus this place is pretty healthy." He said pulling up the app from his phone and showing Kara the menu. She looked at it and liked what she was seeing. "Okay." She nodded her hand approvingly. "Put in the order." She handed him back his phone.

Ben took his phone back from her. "What do you want?" He showed her the menu again. "Why don't we get the chicken tandoori and the lamb stew and share them with some samosas." 

"Sounds good." Ben said going to the place order section and put in all of that. It also came with a salad and garlic non. He put in the order, paid with his Paypal account and took Kara's hand over to the couch. They cuddled up together.  Tonight, to mix it up, they were watching a movie on Hulu. Palm Springs to be exact. They were in bed after dinner. Kara had been trying to get Ben in the mood again. Long after they ate their food. She thought that this movie looked romantic and would challenge them both mentally. 

Kara was laying on his shoulder and he had to admit he was getting a bit turned on and felt himself getting an erection. He kissed her neck slowly. Up and down. This was giving Kara goosebumps. She moaned light while his fingers were in her hair. His hand slowly rubbing her bare thigh. That was her weakness, and Ben knew it. "Baby." She said softly into his lips. Her hands slowly around the back of his neck. Right when the two leads were about to hook up, Kara also asked Ben just like the girl asked the guy. "Is this okay? Can you?" The last part was more just Kara's question. 

Ben took her hand and had her feel his half hard erection. She smiled, got on top of him, they slowly took each other clothes off. She kissed him as she was grinding on top of him, kissing him again. Ben smiled in between kisses as he was finally fully erect. Guess it took him getting used to being home all the time, spending more time with Kara, and now having her nice, curvy body next to his. 

He flipped them over and began to undress and Kara did the same. He then bent down to kiss her and began to rub her clit with his thumb. She began to get wet fast. Once she was fully wet, he inserted himself into her and started to thrust into her, slowly. She moaned a bit at his movements, running her hands down his back. 

Ben continued at his pace. Kara moaned lightly, the feeling of him being inside of her was something she had been wanting for months but now wasn't enjoying  it like she thought she would. She felt like she may have been too forward, too pushy with  her wanting to jump into bed with him. Maybe he just wasn't ready for this after all, but she wasn't about to stop him now and make him feel bad. 

Kara moaned some more as they went along. She was enjoying this but it wasn't like they used to do it. All fire and passion. What happened? Did he not really feel that way about her anymore. Did he love her, but wasn't in love with her?  Did he love someone else? Soon, they finished. Kara faked her orgasum  and Ben did as well. He rolled off her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed towards the bathroom.  

Kara began to fill a chill in her body. Not the kind she sometimes got after good sex, but the kind where something wasn't right. Something was wrong with the man she choose to spend the rest of her life with. 

Ben came back into the bedroom. He was about to regreet his wife with a cuddle, but she got underneath the covers and turned her back to him, confused he got into bed and got underneath the covers with her. "Kara, daring. What's wrong." 

Kara felt tears coming into her eye, and tired to hide it from Ben. He didn't need her grief. "Nothing. I'm just tired." She tired to keep her tone and neural as possible.

Ben wasn't buying it. He knew when she was upset. He could read her like a book. Just like at the BBQ at Joe's house when she was still with Gerald and that red headed actress he hired for his movie kept flirting with him. If she wasn't upset right now, she would be cuddling with him. "I know your upset about something. What is it? Did you not want to have sex right now? Or is it something else?"

Kara sighed turning over to face him. Showing him the tears running down both cheeks. "I did want to have sex. The question is: Did you?"

"Yeah, of course I did. It was lovely."

"Was it? Was it really for you?"

Ben thought about it for a second. "No, but it's a weird time and I'm not right yet. I wasn't eating well before I got to London and I was worried about you and the twins. I was fearing the worse and...

Kara shot up at bit. "What?"

"Well..." Ben paused. The next thing he was about to say might hurt Kara, but he had to tell her. He took and deep breath and began to speak.

A/N: Hoped you liked this chapter.  Vote and comment if you want.  Until next time 

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