Fly Me to Canada (Again) Epilogue

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The planes flight attendant came up to Kara and Ben as they had just been up in the air and could take off their seat belts. "What can I get you two?" She asked, claimly as she felt they might be thirsty. 

They looked at each other and Ben let Kara go first. Kara turned to the flight attendant. "I'll just have a coffee and a water."

the flight attendant smiled. "And for you sir?"

"The same, plus an orange juice for us both." He said as he knew Kara would need the extra Vitamin C. They soon got breakfast. Oatmeal for the both of them and enjoyed the rest of the flight attendant. 

Later they got to the Condo that they would be staying at during their filming. It was a nice three bedroom, two bath room place with blue walls and yellow curtains on the window. Kara and Ben found their room and placed their bags down on the floor. One of the other rooms, which Kara assumed to be the babies room, with the cribs in the corner of the room and the blue and pink painted walls with care bears on it. Ben gently placed the car seat down on the bedroom floor. Kara picked up Daphne and Ben picked up Miles and they both put them in their respected cribs. They walked out of the bedroom and into their room. Kara turned to Ben as she went to her suitcase and started to unpack. She thought she would wait till later, but better to do it now.  "So two weeks of just being here in this house. What do you want to do first?"

Ben got on the bed. "Why don't you join me and find out?" He said suggestively, running his hand over the sheets.

Kara grinned and got onto the bed and pulled Ben into a kiss. They stripped off their clothes and got underneath the covers. Kara grabbed his dick and rubbed it slowly. Ben was so in the mood that it didn't take much to get him hard. His slow kisses were getting her wet and she only broke the kiss to gave him the okay. He entered her and this time took things slowly, like he wanted to make love to her, just like on her birthday, planting kisses up and down her body. She moaned and moved along with him, liking the slow pace, but still feeling everything. She loved this. 

Later on, as they both finally reached their climax, she smiled as they cuddle into each other, knowing now that this was her life. She could work anyone and still follow her husband, not because she was owned by him, but because he wanted her with him. It was better for him when she was there. Three years ago, they never would've thought they would be together, but now they couldn't image not being together. No matter what things or people tired to get in the way of it. They always found a way back to each other. This virus couldn't stop true love. 

A/N: Hey everyone!  Happy New Year!  So this is the last of the Ben and Kara trilogy. I hope you enjoyed this. I was having a had time writing this couple through the pandemic  as they were have no where to go. I debated about going longer and showing them on another movie set, but I would just be repeating myself.  

I hope to soon write a Gwilym Lee fic, but I can't seem to save photos on my lap top anymore so I don't know if it's going to happen as people on here only seem to read something if it has a good book cover.  

Anyway, thank you all for reading. Those of you who have stuck with it. I love you all and am so greatfull. Thank you!

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