Flying Back To London

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Ben made it back to London thanks to his co-star Alec Baldwin. They had traveled via his private plane from British Columbia on a private launch pad way outside the city. They got there via Alec Baldwin's private driver.

They didn't say much to each other as they were excited to get home and Ben just wasn't in a talktive mood.

They had spent the whole ten-hour flight watching movies and eating. Alec, not Ben. Ben had a salad and nuts, and Alec had a salmon lunch then a steak dinner later before the plane landed. '' So, what's your plan after we land?'' Alec asked after eight hours of silence.

Ben turned his head to Alec after staring out the window. ''I'm going to call an uber and go into quarantine for two weeks before I see Kara.''

''Are you going to call her before you see her to at least tell her you're alright?"

''Hopefully I can. What are you going to do?"

''After we land here, I'm going to back home to New York.''

''Of course.''

'' If you want, my chef can make you some meals, so you won't serve.'' Alec offered so that Ben wouldn't have to go to the store, breaking his quarantine.

Ben thought about it for a moment but knowing that this would be healthier than takeaway. ''Sure. Thank you very much."

Alec went in and told the cook what to make and everything. Ben waited while the cook whipped them up. When they landed the cook came out with stuff he could cook for breakfast, some half-cooked steaks, and raw fish, he could make. Turkey for sandwiches. Fruits, veggies, pasta the whole nine yards.

Ben stood outside after they landed and waited for the Uber to come and get him. Alec had the plane stay just to make sure he would get into the Uber safely with all the food.

Once the Uber got to the plane site, Ben walked up to the car and asked the man if he could put the food in the truck of the man's car. The man accepted and Ben put it in the truck and got in the back seat. The driver drove off and the plane took off, taking Alec back to New York.

"Where to?" The driver asked as he had his phone out to get directions.

Ben told him the address and the driver drove away.

As they were driving, the Uber driver looked at Ben in his rear view mirror. "You know I wasn't expecting anyone to be taking a Uber around this time."

"Yeah, I was expecting this to happen in general. I just wanted to get home; you know." He said not looking away from the window.

The driver nodded, "As do we all. If I may ask are you going home to anyone?"

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