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A few months later, July 2020---

Things were starting to open up coffee shops and restrurants were open for out door sitting, the dog parks were now open as well, but not too many people in at once. Kara thought about opening up her store but she wasn't ready just yet to hire a full time nanny just yet. 

In the morning, they would go through their usual routes. She and Ben would change the twins dippers, Kara would breast feed and change them again. After that was done, she and Ben would go into the bathroom by their room and brush their teeth and take a shower together. Ben turned on the water and they would take off the PJs they put on in the presents of their children instead of showing up necked like they had slept the previous night. 

Ben then stuck his hand underneath the shower head to see if the water was warm enough for them to go in. Ben nodded his head and they went in. They both soaked up the water and Ben looked over at Kara remembering the first time they showered together in Hawaii. The best intimate experience he had not having sex. He pulled her close, looked lovingly into Kara'a soft brown eyes and kissed her.

She kissed him back and they hugged for a minute then began to clean each other up. They got out after they were done and towel dried off got dressed, got the twins ready so they can go to breakfast. They would've normally cook at home, but they decided to make a day of it. First, breakfast, then dog park to let Frankie run around. The walks were nice, but she needed more. 

They then changed the kids clothes, put them in warm jackets, and Kara put them in the stroller. Ben called out for Frankie and grabbed her leash by the door and hooked it on her. Kara grabbed her jacket and they all walked out together. 

They got to the Cafe 5 minutes later. The line was semi long out front of people waiting for a table. Ben and Kara walked up to the hostess. "Name?" She said not looking up at them. Ben. Ben Hardy." He said, hoping that will get them seated faster. He never usually like to use his name, but when his kids were involded, he didn't want to make them fousy by staying out too long. "It'll be 10 minutes." The hostess said. As maybe she didn't know who he was. The first group of people got their table and soon found space for the next group and then it was Ben and Kara's turn.

They were guided to the front with the best view of London. Something Kara didn't pay much attention to since lockdown. All she was concerned with is walking Frankie, making sure she didn't run out of the leash and into a car; and making sure Daphne and Miles are ok. Now, she got to really see things. How they were in real time. The hostess placed some menues down in front of them. "Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee?"

Ben was going to let Kara order, but since she was now daydreaming he ordered for them. "Yes to two coffees and an orange juice for my wife." The hostess nodded and went to go them them. 

Kara soon snapped back to reality. "It's just so nice out here today." 

Ben nodded in agreement. "It is. I'm happy to be outside. How about you?" 

"Of course." The hostess came back with their drinks. "Do you know what you want yet?"

"I'm going to need a minute." She said, not having read the menu. 

The hostess nodded, knowing how some people haven't been out much and that the lady was proabally overwelmed. Kara opened the menu and looked through it for a moment. Eggs, bacon, or pourage, which is called oatmeal in the states. She took a sip of coffee and put the cup back down after the sip. "Babe, what are getting?" She asked Ben to get a better idea of what she wanted.

"Um... I'm just thinking of a spinach omelette."

"Sounds amazing." Kara said with a smile and put down her menu. She was thinking just regular eggs or waffles, but that sounded better and more filling. 

The hostess seeing the menues put down, asked. "Are we ready yet?"

"Well, I am." said Ben. "Are you, Kara?" 

Kara nodded her head. "I'll have a spinach omelette with a fruit cup." 

"I'll have the same." Said Ben. The hostess took their menus and Ben turns to Kara. "How's your coffee?" 

"Good. How do you like it?" 

"I haven't tired it yet." He takes a sip. "Yes, very good." They both smiled at each other and soon their omelettes  arrived and they ate it up and then soon went to the dog park and Frankie ran around with other dogs and Kara fed the kids with a bottle and they went home after a while.

A/N: Hey everyone!  Sorry it's been a long while since I've posted, but again writers block got me again. This is a filler chapter, but I promise that the next chapter should be better. 

Hope you all are having a good week.

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