Out On the Town

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"That's great." Ben said when he was on the phone with his agent. He was dressed up in a blue suit as he and Kara were just about to go out to dinner. They were just about out the door, when Ben's cell phone rang. He took it into their room. 

"So how have things been going between you two lately?" Rami asked Kara. He asked concerned. He and Lucy were going babysit. They both got Covid tested before coming over and thankfully tested negative.  As much as Kara was scared to leave the kids at home, she could at least relax a little since she was leaving them with people she did trust. She wasn't sure when she would see them again, let alone this soon and be available like this. The twins were now sleeping, so it was just Kara and Rami on the couch;  Lucy was reading in the near by chair.

"We've been okay. We've worked through some things. I love that he's home now. But I don't know how much longer that will be." 

Rami rubbed her shoulder. He wasn't sure of their problems but if he didn't think they were good together, he would've even gotten them together. "I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm sure now that you both had time away from everything, you can handle new changellege and would love to get out of the house." 

Kara nodded, she heard him, but still wasn't sure. It wasn't the jobs that Ben took on it was that what if something happens to him? For real this time and he isn't safe in a hotel like he was before?

"Do you think you'll be going back to the store?" 

Kara hadn't thought about it. Too be honest, she kind of liked working from home during this time. "I haven't made up my mind. I hope to, but I'm not sure yet."

"How come?"

"I just don't want to be away from the twins, plus I'm starting to like working from home and only taking to people via zoom." 

"Wow.. you've become a shut in like the rest of the world." 

"Rami!" Lucy warned him.

"I'm only teasing her, Dear." He winked and turned back to Kara. "Well... maybe it might be be best for now till you feel comfortable to be in your store, but as you've always said: you're online sales do better than in person, so."

Kara nodded. Still a lot to think about. She always thought in person service was the best, but maybe things have just changed and she doesn't mind being a a stay at home Mom after all. 

"That's soo great!" Said Ben walking out of the bedroom and closing the door behind him. "I'll do it. I'll talk to you more about it tomorrow. Right now I'm about to go have dinner with my wife. Yeah. You have a good night out, sir. Bye." He walked into the living room to Kara and Rami. "Everything good out here?" 

"Yes." Kara confirmed.

Ben smiled. "Thank you both for doing this." He said to Rami and Lucy. 

"No problem." Said Rami.

"I missed my god kids." Said Lucy. 

Ben smiled. "I missed you both." He turned to Kara. "You ready to go?" 

"Yes." Kara stood up. Ben took her hand. Kara grabbed her heels. Silver that goes with her dress: cornflower blue that she bought online from one of the shops around town. Still not ready to go full on shopping. She also grabbed her short black leather jacket that hung just below her rib cage. Somethings about the LA lifestyle never left her. She then grabbed her purse and mask. So did Ben and he closed the door behind them and they waited for their Uber.


After dinner Kara and Ben went for a walk at St James Park after eating at The little Square. Kara ordered The Pan Fried Salmon with a side of Broccoli with Chili sauce. Ben had the Char Rib-Eve with grilled tomatos, mushrooms and peppercorn sauce. They each tired a bite of each others dishes, had split a bottle of their Dona Victorina Temranillo 2017. Kara looked around at the trees. She hadn't ever been to this park before. She looked around at the trees and on the grassy path. "Did you have a good call with your agent?" She asked after 10 minutes of their walk. There wasn't anyone around, so they didn't have their masks on.

Ben raised an eyebrow. He knew Kara well enough that it wasn't just a question it was a leading question. "Yes. I had an offer for a job, but it won't be starting for a while." 

Kara nodded. "Oh. That'ss that's great." She turned away from Ben and looked back out to the night. Ben stopped and Kara turned around to him. "What?" Kara asked.

"Kara. It's going to be okay. Precautions are going to be taken. They are flying me on a private plane and I was wondering if you and the twins want to come with me?" 

A/N: Yup... I manged to post another chapter sorry it's so short. 

To my American readers: hope you all have a good Thanksgiving. 

To the other readers, have a good day. 

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