Finally Back Home Part 2

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They made it back home. Kara parked near by their home, in a good spot upfront. With noone driving around these days, she got lucky twice. It wasn't a good lucky like with a lot of things in her life, like  being with Ben, getting pregnant with  the twins, Holly and becoming friends with Rami and Lucy like she did. This was an unlucky kind of lucky, but they were home. 

Ben got out of the car and went to grab his suitcase. He then went to get the car seat for Daphne; his bag slung over his shoulder. He remembered how to unlock it when they went for the twins 4 week check up the last time he was there. The virus wasn't as bad as they said it was but thankfully Miles and Daphne seemed to be alright. Maybe babies were Immune, but that remanded to be seen. 

Kara unlocked Miles's car seat and she and Ben walked up the steps to their home. Kara, the only one with a free hand got her keys out of her purse and unlocked the door and opening it. Ben walked in after. He looked around after Kara turned on the light. He saw the stairs and then he saw the living room. He smiled, putting it down and unbuckling her. He picked her up and carried her into the living room. Kara did the same with Miles. "Home sweet home, huh?"  Kara asked as they walked into the living room. 

Ben nodded, stared at his little girls green eyes that came from him, but the rest of her seemed like it came from Kara. He smiled as Daphne focused her eyes on this strange blond man. She didn't really knew who he was as he had been away for while, but there was something familiar about him that made her happy then.  "May I hold Miles, too." 

Kara nodded and handed him over. Ben put Daphne in one of his arms, resting her head on elbow and holding up the rest of her body on his arm and doing the same with Miles on his other arm. "You are a handsome boy, aren't you?" 

"He gets it from his dad." Kara said as she admired Ben bonding with them like no time as past.

"You think he looks like me?"

"He's starting too." She gave a smile.

"He's a lucky kid." Ben teased. "Daphne is starting to look like you, too."

Kara raised an eye brow. "There twins, shouldn't they look alike?"

"Not always, but like you said: they're starting to get into their looks." 

Kara nodded and admired them with Ben a little more. After a half hour. "I hate to interrupt this, but it's about time for their nap."

Ben begrudgingly handed over Miles and Daphne, but he remembered that he was home now and he'll be seeing them for a while as their under  lock down. Kara stood up and held them each in both arms and walked into their room. Ben followed her into the room. She smelled something sticky. She smelled their dippers and them put them down on the changing table as soon as she was in the room. Ben saw her put the twins down from behind her. "Mind if I change Daphne while you change Miles?" He offered as she was doing this alone for longer than she would have to.

Kara, pleased that Ben offered. She missed having his help. "I'll take you up on that offer, Mr. Jones."

"Happy to help, Mrs. Jones." 

Kara smiled again as she missed him calling her that along with Babe and sweetheart and other nicknames he called her. Kara took off Miles's bottoms and unpinned the dipper. Ben did the same, following Kara's lead since it had been two months since he had done this. They wrapped it around the twins, pinned them on the sides and there it was. They were finished. Kara and Ben picked them up and put them both in their different cribs, admired them some more.

They both wrapped their arms around each other and walked out of the room. Kara grabbed the baby monitor and Ben closed the door behind both of them. They walked out to the living room. Kara looked over Ben and put an arm around his wist. "So what do you want to do now? Have tea and watch Netflix?" 

"Sure." Kara walked them over to the kitchen and she got the tea kettle, turned on the faucet and poured the water into the kettle, filling it up close to full. She then put it on the stove, turning on the burner. Ben got the tea pot, cups, saucers and the cookies out. Kara smiled. Already, they were getting back into their old rhythm again. 

They both looked at each other. Moved closer to each other. Their hands that were on the counter were now touching each other. His hand on top of hers. If this was a movie the camera would pan up to see them kissing. They moved their head to each other moving closer to their lips touching, softly then deeping the kiss. They both pulled away to look at each other. "Tea can wait?" Asked Kara.

Ben nodded in agreement. "Tea can wait." 

Kara turned off the kettle and they both went upstairs. When inside they began to kiss again, Kara's hands gently on his neck, and his around her whist. "I missed you." Ben said in between kisses.

"I know me, too." She smiled and they continued. Kara slowly unbuttoning Ben's shirt and kissing his neck and collar bone and down to his body which she noticed was a little thinner than it was before, but that could be lack of food and excuse before coming back to London. She then pulled down his pants and ran her hands down him and threw his boxers. Rubbing his balls and his cock gently; rubbing it up and down. Ben groaned at the feel of her hands. He missed her touch so much. 

However, for some reason, he wasn't getting hard even after a few minutes of rubbing. "Babe, what's wrong? Ben Jr. isn't perking up. Is it me?" She said looking at him with sad eyes.

Ben opened his eyes after she stopped rubbing him. "Oh, no babe. I love you, I missed you. I don't know what's going on. Try again?" 

Kara reached inside of his boxers again and started up again. Ben groaned while she was doing it but it was a no go. She stopped and sat down on the bed, still fully clothed. Ben pulled up his pants and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry." 

Kara shook her head. "You don't have anything to be sorry for. These are just weird times right now. We have time. We're going to be home for a while." 

He nodded. They hugged and went downstairs. They made tea and cuddled up on the couch and watch Never Have I Ever again. He remembered the episode where Devi ran away from Paxton because she wasn't ready. He took his shirt off and she ran. In this case it was Ben running away from his beautiful, loving, kind, sexy wife. But why? He wanted her so badly, but he couldn't make love to her. Then he remember something he was blacked out of his mind. Oh no. Should he tell her? 

A/N: Hope you all liked this chapter. Feel free to leave a comment below if you so choose. 

Have a great day, everyone! -Dreamcast45

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