Zoom Call with Lucy

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Kara heard her cell phone ping. It was an email with a zoom request from Lucy. It had been months since she had seen her. Not since the twins were born that she hadn't seen or heard from her. On top of worrying about where Ben was, she worried about another Blonde in her life and hoped that she was ok.

Normally, she understood that like Ben, she was very busy but with the Pandemic, going months without contact, made her think he worst was happening. So she was relieved when Lucy was calling her now. She smiled when she answered, while watching over Miles after putting him back in his Crib. "Hello stranger." She said with a smirk.

"Hi." Lucy began. "Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while, I just have been getting used to the lockdown as I'm sure you have been, too."

"Yeah, I stocked up really well, so I don't have to go out again for a while."

"How's Ben?" She asked taking a sip of her water.

"He's off shooting a movie and it was supposed to be done with, but I guess they needed re-shoots done, so I don't know when he's coming back."

"They're still shooting during this time?"

She sighed, "Apparently."

Lucy didn't know what to say. She thought every single movie and TV show had shut down and everyone was sent home or at least stayed in a hotel for two weeks before traveling back home. Guess that wasn't the case with Ben's picture. "How are Miles and Daphne doing?" She smiled thinking of those two adorable babies and how hard it must be for Kara to be doing this alone.

"They are doing well. They sleep like little angels most nights except for tonight. These little buggers decided to wake me up at 4 am."

"Did you just say buggers?"

Kara's eyes looked upward as she couldn't believe what she just said. "Umm.... I think so."

Lucy laughed, "Oh you're being one of us. Sometimes Rami does it too. It's so cute."

"Well, you live here, you take on some of the sayings like when I lived out in LA, I would say things like hella and totally." She smirked. "How is Rami by the way? I haven't heard from him in a while either. Has everyone abandoned me?"

"No, no, no, Dear. He's right here with me. Rami come on over here and show Kara that you're alive."

Rami walked over from the kitchen where he was finishing up his breakfast. He looked into Lucy's phone which he saw Kara's face on the zoom call. "Hey Kara. Long time, no see."

Kara smiled, "Yeah I know. But you know being in lockdown with babies, eats away at your time. Plus, I blame your finance for taking your time away from me."

"Hey! I saw him first!" Lucy teased and tasseled Remi's curly dark hair.

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