Chapter 1: Hello

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Y/n's POV:

"Gate number 32 is now boarding." the speakers at the airport announced

   I got in line to enter the airplane, I'll have to sit in that plane for a long time. But hey, I got the window seat, I should be fine.

   I finally got inside the airplane, I put my carry on luggage in the overhead bin. I sat down at the window, buckling my seatbelt.

"Seoul, here I come." I said to myself

Time Skip (hours later)

Taehyung's POV:

"Jimin, I'm going to pick up my sister at the airport soon." I told him, "Do you want to come with me? You can meet her."

"Oh, sure." Jimin smiled

"We should get going now, she is landing soon." I grabbed the car keys

"Alright, let's go." he walked to the car

Time Skip (at the airport)

Y/n's POV:

   I quickly got off the plane, I then started looking for Taehyung. I got a phone call, so I picked it up.

"Taehyung-ah, where are you?" I asked

"I'm near the café next to the escalator." Tae told me

"Okay, on my way." I smiled

"See you!" he chuckled

   I ended the call before running to the café. I spotted the escalator, so then I turned the corner and saw the café. I spotted Taehyung and immediately ran up to him, I hugged him tightly and he did it back.

"I missed you so much!" I smiled

"I missed you too!" he smiled, "We haven't see each other since I was 13!"

"That means I was 8." I laughed, "It has been 13 years."

"Wow, you're shorter than I thought." he laughed

"Shut up." I frowned, "My height has been insulted enough already."

"Oh hey, meet my best friend." Tae turned me around to face him

"Yah, why haven't you told me about him?" I frowned, "I thought we told each other everything."

"I don't know why, but introduce yourself." he smiled

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin." the guy introduced himself

"Hi, I'm Kim Y/n." I introduced myself

"Nice to meet you Y/n." he smiled

"Nice to meet you too, Jimin." I smiled too

   This guy is pretty attractive, not gonna lie. Ah Y/n, you just met him and you already think he is cute?

Jimin's POV:

   Y/n... Kim Y/n. My best friend's sister? Honestly, she is pretty cute. I'm crazy right? You just met her, Jimin. Snap out of it.

"Taehyung Oppa, can we get coffee?" Y/n asked her older brother

"I don't like coffee, but sure." he agreed

The three of us walked into the café that was right in front of us, there was nobody in line so we went straight to the cashier.

"Hello, what can I get for you all?" the cashier asked

"I'll get a hot chocolate." Tae told him

"I'll get a caffè mocha." Y/n said

Caffè mocha? She likes caffè mocha too?

"I'll get a caffè mocha too." I said to the cashier

Taehyung paid for all of our drinks, we then waited for the drinks.

"You two like the same coffee?" Tae asked us

"Yeah, caffè mocha is my favorite." Y/n smiled

"Caffè mocha is my favorite too." I chuckled

"Well that's something in common." Tae laughed

"Yeah." I agreed

Our drinks finished, I took mine and Y/n's. I gave her one of the drinks.

"Thank you." she smiled

"You're welcome." I smiled back

We exited out of the airport and into the parking lot, Tae put her luggages in the trunk. I sat at the front with Tae, Y/n sat at the back. Tae then started driving back home.

Time Skip (at home)

Y/n's POV:

"Do I have a room or no?" I asked Tae

"Yes you do, follow me." Tae lead me upstairs

He showed me my room, I then looked around.

"Who owns this room?" I pointed to the one next to mine

"That's Jimin's room, only when he wants to stay here for the night. He doesn't actually live here." Tae told me

"Oh okay, where is your room?" I asked

"Just down the hall." he said

"Okay got it." I smiled

Taehyung and I went back downstairs, Jimin was sitting on the couch, on his phone. I sat down at the couch too.

"It's almost dinner, what's for dinner?" I asked

"Ah, I'll just order food." Tae pulled out his phone

"Okay~" I smiled

"Y/n?" Jimin called out to me

"Yes?" I turned to him

"Do you play Overwatch?" he asked

"I'm not that good, why?" I asked

"Can you play with me?" he smiled

"Oh, sure." I smiled too

Jimin turned on Tae's PlayStation, he gave me one of the controllers then sat next to me. We then started playing, Taehyung watched us play.

Time Skip (an hour later)

Jimin won, of course. I did say I wasn't good. The game ended right when the food arrived. Jimin turned off the PlayStation, then charged both of our controllers.

We sat down at the table and ate dinner, we then all went to bed afterwards.

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