Chapter 20: Baking

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Few Days Later

Y/n's POV:

   Since Min-Jung isn't permanently staying here in Korea forever, we made sure that we did something fun every day.

Today, we decided to bake for probably the first time without parental supervision. This will either go great or terrible, who knows...

"Do we even have baking powder?" Jimin asked as he almost already opened all of the cabinets in the kitchen

"Um... maybe?" Tae laughed nervously

"Oh trust me, it's probably expired." Min-Jung laughed

"Considering Tae doesn't bake, that would be true." I agreed

   Jimin opened on of the cabinets and finally found the baking powder.

"Hey, I found it." he smiled

"Is it expired?" Min-Jung asked

"Surprisingly, not yet. It still has a few more months left." he chuckled

"What are we even making in the first place?" I asked

"Let's let Min-Jung decide." Tae said

"Just a simple vanilla cupcake would be fine, honestly." she told us

"Simple? If so, then let's make it without making this whole kitchen explode." Jimin laughed

"Come on, at least have some faith in us." I chuckled, "Besides, I don't think we're that bad... right?"

Few Minutes Later

"Let's just ignore what I said earlier." I laughed nervously

"Come on Tae, how did you manage to spill flour all over the counter?" Min-Jung glared at him

"On the floor too." I added

"See what I mean? We're all going to end up all covered in flour before we even put the thing in the oven." Jimin started sweeping the floor

We all laughed and I helped clean up the counter with Tae and Min-Jung.

After cleaning, Min-Jung scolded Tae to be more careful. Although she is younger than Tae, she acts older than him.

After scolding him, she went to go grab a spoon but she ended up dropping it which caused Tae to burst out with laughter.

"And you're telling me to be careful?" he laughed at her

"Yeah, yeah, shut up now." she punched his arm jokingly

About 10 Minutes Later

"Tae, I don't trust you with an electric mixer whatsoever." Jimin told him

"Trust me, it'll be fine." he smiled as he plugged it in

"I don't trust you either." I sided with Jimin

"Me neither." Min-Jung frowned

"Yah, I'm not that bad." Tae pouted

"Yes you are." she grabbed the electric mixer from him

"No, give it back." he grabbed it again

They then started playing tug-o-war with the electric mixer while yelling at each other.

"Let's just mix it with a whisk." Jimin chuckled while handing it to me

I laughed then started mixing with the very peaceful sound of yelling beside me. I kept on spilling a little bit of it on the counter but Jimin cleaned it up for me.

After mixing the dry ingredients together, Tae and Min-Jung were still arguing. Jimin and I looked at each other then back at them and started laughing.

"Yah, stop arguing. Y/n already mixed it while you two were busy playing tug-o-war." Jimin told them

   I laughed at the both of them as they put the electric mixer back on the counter, then glaring at each other.

Time Skip (after making batter)

"Tae, you idiot. You're supposed to put the cupcake liners before putting the batter." I scolded him

"Ah, right..." he laughed nervously while putting the bowl of batter down

   Jimin and Min-Jung put all the cupcake liners then Tae poured the batter evenly in each one.

   Once he was done, I grabbed the tray then put it in the oven to bake. Let's just hope this doesn't burn the whole house down.

"Now we wait." Jimin hopped onto the couch

"For how long exactly?" Min-Jung asked

"For about 20 minutes, then you poke a toothpick in it to see if it's fully baked." I told her

"Wow okay, baking expert over here." Tae joked

"I just looked it up." I showed my phone screen to them

   We all laughed then waited until the cupcakes were done.

Time Skip (after baking)

"They're done!" Min-Jung yelled

   The rest of us got up from the living room and went over to the kitchen. Tae helped take it out of the oven then I stuck a toothpick inside of one of the cupcakes.

"No batter on the toothpick, that means it's baked all the way." I smiled

"What frosting do we have?" Jimin started looking around

"I remember buying vanilla frosting, it should be around here somewhere." Tae started looking around too

"Found it." Jimin grabbed it then put it on the counter

"I know Min-Jung is good at frosting, let her frost it." I told them

   After letting it cool down and after Min-Jung frosted all of them, she still wasn't satisfied. She then opened the fridge and found some strawberries. She washed all of them then put one on top of each cupcake.

"There, done." she smiled

"Min-Jung being extra." Tae laughed

"Come on, it's not that extra." she rolled her eyes

"I want one~" I whined

"Here." Jimin gave one to me

"Thank you." I smiled

   I opened the cupcake liner then took a bite, everyone was looking at me to see what my thoughts were.

"Surprisingly, it tastes good." I laughed

"Oh thank goodness, we don't want it to go to waste." Jimin smiled

"Mission success." Min-Jung smiled

"What if I told you that the frosting was expired?" Tae laughed nervously

"TAE!" we all screamed at him, especially me


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