Chapter 10: Replaced

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A Week Later

Y/n's POV:

Classes ended just now, I was walking with Jungkook to the front of the college. We decided to study together today, we have been getting closer each day. I saw Tae's car so I lead Jungkook towards it, I knocked on the passenger side's window and he rolled it down.

"Tae, this is Jungkook." I introduced him

"Hi." Jungkook said shyly

"Hi! Aren't you Y/n's friend? She has talked about you before." Tae chuckled

"Yes I am." Jungkook smiled

"Anyways, Tae. We decided to study together today, so can he come over?" I asked

"Of course, get in." Tae smiled

Jungkook let me sit in the front seat, so he sat in the back. Tae and Jungkook got to know each other better, which is a good thing. At least my older brother approves of my friend.

Time Skip (at home)

I lead Jungkook up to my room. I pulled out the second chair, normally Jimin would sit there but Jungkook is my study partner for today.

"When is the test again?" I asked Jungkook

"In a week, so we have a whole week to study." he smiled

"Alright, what assignments do we have?" I also asked

"Don't tell me you forgot everything." he sighed

"I... did." I laughed nervously

"Well, we only have to finish what we didn't finish today." he smiled

"Oh alright, seems easy enough." I shrugged

"When we're done, we then can study for the test." he said

"Got it, Professor Jeon." I joked

"Yah, don't call me that." he laughed

"Professor Bunny?" I asked

"Just call me bunny or rabbit." he hit me playfully

"Alright, alright." I laughed

Jimin's POV:

Time Skip (an hour later)

I parked in the driveway of Tae's house, I wonder if Y/n is understanding her assignments. I unlocked the front door, I took off my shoes then went upstairs.

Before going into my room to change out of my work uniform, I decided to check up on Y/n. The door was open slightly, I was about to open it until I heard some talking from inside. I decided to peek inside...

"Do you understand it, or do you need help?" a male voice asked

"I'm not sure how you get this answer." Y/n said, "I keep getting it wrong."

"Silly, you forgot to multiply this number." he chuckled

"Oh, I get it now!" she laughed

Well then, I guess she doesn't need my help anymore. Wait, why are my eyes watering? Is it because she replaced me?

I turned away from the door then went to my room to change into more comfortable clothes. I then just laid in bed, since I'm not needed anymore. Why am I making such a big deal out of it? I can hear them laughing through the walls, why does love do this to me?

Time Skip (another hour later)

For the past hour, I have just been scrolling through my phone. I think that guy is going to leave now, I heard them walk past my door then go downstairs. I could hear Y/n saying bye to him, then the door closing. Her footsteps could be heard walking up the stairs, I thought she would go back to her room, but I was wrong. The doorknob to my room twisted, then the door opened, revealing Y/n.

Without speaking, she walked up to me and laid beside me. I am so confused right now...

"Yah, why didn't you say hi to me when you got home?" Y/n pouted, "I told you that I'd miss you, not seeing you is like torture to me."

"I'm sorry, you were with someone else... so I didn't want to interrupt." I frowned

"I don't care, I want to see you." she hugged me

"I mean, you don't need me anymore." I mumbled

"What do you mean?" she looked up at me

"You have a new study partner, so you don't need me." I got a bit hurt while saying that, "Isn't he better than me?"

"Are you jealous?" she started laughing

"Well... yeah." I admitted, "You replaced me with someone else."

"I'd rather have you be my study partner. Don't be jealous, Chim." she cupped my face, "Jungkook is a student just like me, and you're a college graduate. You pretty much know everything, so I think you should help the both of us tomorrow."

"Oh, that's Jungkook?" I asked

"Yeah, my friend." she smiled

"Ah okay, I'll meet him tomorrow." I smiled too

"Don't worry, he isn't stealing me away from you." she laughed

"Good, because you're mine." I laughed along, pulling her closer to me

   Suddenly Tae barged into my room, a bit shocked to see the both of us cuddling.

"Well then... um." Tae laughed, "What do y'all want for dinner?"

"I'll eat anything." I told him

"Same here." Y/n said

"So sushi is fine with you two?" Tae asked

"Yeah, get an assortment please." Y/n smiled

"Of course." he smiled

   We all went downstairs, Tae was ordering sushi for delivery so we had to wait a bit.

   Once the food got here, we all ate then went to bed afterwards.

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