Chapter 13: Cuddle

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Jimin's POV:

"Well..." I trailed off

I looked towards her, she gave me sad eyes.

"Hey, don't be sad." I frowned

"Why aren't you answering? We're you lying just so I could feel better?" she asked

"I love you." I blurted out

"You do?" she looked up at me, "I don't believe you..."

"Maybe this will." I leaned closer

   I leaned my forehead against hers, she got shy instantly.

"Y/n~" I teased

"Stop it~" she looked down, blushing

   I lifted her head back up, making her look into my eyes again. I looked at her lips then back at her eyes.

   Without hesitation, I placed my lips on hers, kissing her softly. She kissed me back eventually, I smiled into it.

   I pulled away, she hid her face in her hands. I laughed at her cuteness, I ruffled her hair.

"B-But... who was that girl you were with at the café? A-And why were you blushing while you were with her?" Y/n asked

"She's just my friend, and I was blushing because she was teasing me about you." I chuckled

"Ah, makes more sense..." she showed a small smile

"You two should meet each other, I think you'd get along with her." I smiled

"Ooh, really? I'd love to-" she got cut off by loud thunder

She got startled, placing her hand on her chest to calm her down. I pulled her close to me to help her, she hugged me and snuggled her face into my chest.

"It's okay Y/n." I chuckled

"That scared me..." she pouted

"I would scold mother nature if I could." I laughed

Another loud clap of thunder came, I held her close to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"Yeah, I'm fine." she reassured me, "When is Tae coming home?"

"He should be home im about thirty minutes." I said

"Should we tell Tae everything that happened today?" she looked at me

"He's your brother, and he's my best friend. I think we should." I said honestly

   She agreed with a smile, then rested her head on my chest.

   It was like it was raining cats and dogs outside, the rain hit against her bedroom window rapidly. Thunder could be heard every few minutes.

"Jimin?" Y/n suddenly spoke

"Yes?" I looked down at her

"Are we dating?" she asked shyly

"Hm, maybe." I teased

"Come on, give me a straight answer." she whined

"I haven't asked you, have I?" I chuckled

"Not yet." she replied

"Yet? Such confidence." I laughed

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