Chapter 2: Company

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Y/n's POV:


   I got my schedule from the office, I then tried finding my first class

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I got my schedule from the office, I then tried finding my first class. As I was walking to my classroom, a male student accidentally ran into me. We both fell to the ground.

"I-I'm so sorry." he apologized

"Oh, it's okay!" I reassured him

He helped me back up, he gave me my schedule, which I dropped.

"Thank you." I smiled

"No problem, are you new here?" he asked

"Yes actually." I replied

"May I see your schedule?" he looked at the schedule in my hands

"Sure." I gave it to him

"Oh, we have all our classes together!" he smiled

"Oh really?" I smiled, "Can you show me around this college then?"

"Of course, my name is Jeon Jungkook." he introduced himself

"Nice to meet you Jungkook, my name is Kim Y/n." I introduced myself

"Nice to meet you too." he chuckled, "Anyways, you just have to follow me the entire day."

"Sounds easy enough." I laughed

"Let's be friends, I don't have any friends still." he frowned

"I don't know anybody here, besides you. Of course we can be friends." I smiled

"Finally, I have a friend!" he laughed, "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Daegu, but then I moved to The United States. But then I moved back here so I could live with my brother." I told him

"The United States? I've never been there yet, but I want to." he said

"I like the U.S, but right now, I'd rather live here." I said

"Good thing you moved back here, or else I would never have a friend." he laughed

"You're pretty nice, I don't see why you don't have any friends." I frowned

"I'm a loner, it's normal." he sighed, "But I have you now."

"Yeah." I smiled

Time Skip (after school)

I said bye to Jungkook then got inside Tae's car, Tae then drove back to his house.

When we got there, I went upstairs then started my homework. There wasn't much, which is good.

   As I was doing my homework, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I told them

   They opened the door, the person who was knocking was Jimin. We smiled at each other then he walked up to me.

"Do you need help with honework?" Jimin asked

"Hm, not really." I told hin

"Oh..." he seemed a bit upset

"But..." I trailed off

"But?" he looked at me hopefully

"You can stay here and talk to me if you want." I smiled, "I like company."

"Oh okay, sure." he sat down next to me

   The room filled with awkwardness, you could only hear my pencil gliding across my paper. I felt Jimin's eyes on me, so I looked at him. We unintentionally stared into each other's eyes...

"S-Sorry..." Jimin snapped out of it

"I-It's okay." I looked back at my paper

"What year of college are you in?" he tried starting up a conversation

"I'm in fourth year." I told him

"So you're 21?" he asked

"Yeah." I smiled

"Have you... had alcohol yet?" he randomly asked, "Sorry if that sounded weird."

"I haven't." I replied

"You haven't?" he seemed surprised

"Nope." I chuckled, "Have you?"

"Yeah, so has Taehyung." he smiled

"It's weird that he hasn't told me about you." I frowned

"He told me about you, but not much. I only knew he had a sister, but I didn't know your name." he said

"He can be weird sometimes." I laughed

"I agree." he laughed too

Time Skip (an hour later)

   Jimin and I were talking casually, getting to know each other better. Suddenly someone knocked on my door again, I told them to come in. It was Taehyung.

"Well then, are you two getting friendly?" Tae laughed

"We're just getting to know each other." I told him

"Y/n, don't steal my best friend from me!" he whined

"Yah, I already have a new friend." I laughed

"New friend? Who? What's their name?" he asked a bunch of questions

"His name is Jungkook." I said, "I met him this morning, after you dropped me off at school."

"A him?" Jimin asked

"Yeah." I confirmed

"Oh okay." he smiled

   Jimin looked uneasy after I said that, is he okay? Now I just want to hug him, but that would be weird.

"I'll make dinner soon, you two can continue talking." Tae said

"Since when did you cook?" I joked

"I've been working on my cooking lately, be quiet." he laughed

   He then exited the room, Jimin was fiddling with the strings of his hoodie.

"Jimin?" I tapped his shoulder

"O-Oh, yeah?" he looked at me

"Can you help me unpack my luggage?" I asked, "I haven't unpacked most of my things yet."

"Of course I'll help you." he smiled

   I rolled my luggage closer to us, we then started unpacking everything...

Time Skip (another hour later)

"Dinner is ready!" Tae yelled from downstairs

"Just in time, we finished." Jimin chuckled

"Yeah... thank you." I thanked him

"No problem." he smiled

   Without thinking, I went up to him and gave him a hug. His body stiffened when I touched him, he eventually hugged me back. I then pulled away.

"Sorry..." I mumbled

"It's okay." he laughed

"Did y'all not hear me?" Tae barged into my room

"Sorry." I said sarcastically

"Uh huh, anyways." Tae rolled his eyes, "Let's eat."

"Haha, okay." Jimin laughed

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