Chapter 21: Today

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Y/n's POV:

   Min-Jung and I were just hanging out in my room since we just woke up less than an hour ago. Taehyung and Jimin aren't home today because they both have work. Tae will be home at about 7:30 pm and Jimin will be home around 9:30 pm.

"Hey Y/n, let's just spend the whole day together." Min-Jung smiled, "Let's put on face masks or something. You need to relax, you're graduating soon."

"I'd save the relaxing until after I graduate." I laughed

"You're on spring break anyways, might as well." she shrugged, "Plus, we need to spend time together of course."

"I understand, but I don't really feel like leaving the house today." I frowned

"Calm down, we can just use the skincare products you already have." she stood up from my bed, "Don't tell me you don't have any."

"Of course I have some, my skin condition would be trash if I didn't." I stood up too and lead her to the bathroom

I grabbed the charcoal mask, as well as the applicator. I gave Min-Jung both of them, she's better at putting masks on without making a mess and accidentally getting some on the sink or the floor.

We both tied our hair up, she then put the mask all over my face first then applied it to her own afterwards. Once she was done, she read the directions on the product.

"Okay, it says we have to wait at least 20 minutes before we take it off." she smiled

"I haven't used this mask in awhile." I told her

"I thought you said you used skincare products still." she looked at me confused

"Yeah I do, but only use moisturizer." I said

"Damn, you're skincare routine is way shorter than mine." she laughed

"I can tell, you spend at least 50 minutes in the bathroom." I laughed along, "Most of those minutes spent doing your skincare."

"I have really sensitive skin.." she pouted, "but anyways, what should we do while waiting to take this mask off?"

"I mean, we could cook something." I suggested

"So you want to wreck the house again?" she joked

"Come on, we didn't make that big of a mess last time." I laughed, "We can just make breakfast, something simple."

"Alright, whatever you say." we made our wau downstairs

Time Skip (after breakfast)

We peeled off the face mask before eating breakfast.

"Now what should we do?" I asked

"Online shopping?" Min-Jung suggested

"I don't have anything I need to shop for honestly." I said

"Well I do and you're going to help me find some." she dragged me upstairs to my room

"Why must you do this to me?" I sighed

"Stop complaining." she laughed

"Fine." I mumbled

Time Skip (while online shopping)

"This dress looks nice, right?" Min-Jung shoved her phone in front of me

"Yeah." I replied carelessly

"Girl, did you even look at it?" she glared at me

"Yeah I did." I said

"Look at it again, are you blind?" she demanded

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