Chapter 3: Game

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Jimin's POV:

   I waited for Tae and Y/n to come back home, Tae was picking up Y/n from school. I heard the front door open, I immediately turned to look who opened it.

"Oh, hi Jimin." Y/n smiled

"Hey." I smiled back, "How was school?"

"It was fine, I just hung out with Jungkook." she told me

   Jungkook? That boy she is friends with? Why do i feel uneasy so suddenly? It's like... I want her for myself. Oh Jimin, what are you saying? You can't just keep Y/n for yourself... but why do I feel like this?

"Oh, that's nice." I forced a smile, "Are you two close?"

"Hm, not really close." she replied

"Are we closer?" I accidentally asked

"Why? Do you want to?" she laughed

"Sorry, that just slipped out." I sighed

"We can get closer if you want." she smiled

"Oh, sure." I smiled widely, "Also, where is Tae?"

"He dropped me off here, he is getting groceries." she said

"Alright, what do you want to do?" I asked, "Do you have homework?"

"I don't have any homework today... so what should we do?" she sat next to me on the couch

"Would you rather?" I suggested

"I mean, sure." she laughed, "You go first."

"Would you rather have a dog or cat?" I asked

"Hm... I love both, but I'll say a dog." she said

"Really? Same here." I smiled

"Would you rather date a boy or girl?" she asked

"Damn, I thought we were playing an innocent game." I laughed, "I guess not."

"Sorry." she said shyly, "I just say whatever pops up in my mind first."

"It's fine." I chuckled, "I'd rather date a girl, how about you?"

"I'd date a boy." she replied

"Oh, I see." I smiled, "Would you rather peck or make out?"

"This game is getting dirty." she laughed

"Sorry." I laughed too

"Depends if I'm in the mood to make out or not. If I'm not, then I'd rather peck." she said

"I'd rather peck, but I'd make out once in awhile." I admitted

We then changed the game to truth or dare, I'll go easy on her.

"Truth or dare?" she smiled


"Would you have sex before marriage?" she asked

"Wow, getting dirty already." I joked, "Yes I would, if I know they are the one. Truth or dare?"


Time to get a bit risky, I'm ready to get hurt after asking this.

"Would you date Jungkook?" I asked

"Hm... maybe. I mean, he is cute." she smiled

I knew it, my heart feels like it got shot. Ah, I like her, don't I? I tried my best to hide my hurt side.

Y/n's POV:

"Would you date Jungkook?" Jimin asked

I'd rather date you, but if I'm being honest, Jungkook is cute too.

"Hm... maybe. I mean, he is cute." I smiled

I could see in his eyes that he got a little hurt, but why? I could tell his smile was forced too, no way in hell does this attractive guy like me. I mean, I wouldn't complain. I like him... I think.

"Truth or dare?" I asked

"Truth." he replied

"Would you... date me?" I asked hesitantly

"No." he said

My heart felt like it got punched, I hid my hurt side from him. I nodded in agreement, everything got awkward afterwards.

"Uh... do you want to watch a kdrama?" he tried clearing up the awkwardness

"Sure." I smiled, I needed to get my mind off of what just happened anyways

Time Skip (2 hours later)

We were finishing up the second episode. As we were watching, I noticed that I was laying on his shoulder. I immediately lifted my head and looked at him.

"I'm so sor-"

He laid my head back on his shoulder, my face started heating up, good thing he isn't looking at me. Suddenly the front door opened, revealing Taehyung.

"Uhh, what's going on here?" Taehyung laughed

   He's probably talking about how I'm resting my head on Jimin's shoulder, I lifted my head off of his shoulder out of embarrassment.

"I told her she could." Jimin told Tae, "She looked a bit tired, I couldn't just tell her to stop."

"Oh Jimin, thoughtful like always." Tae chuckled, "Y/n, stay awake for dinner."

"I'll try." I smiled

   I rested my head on Jimin's shoulder again, he then rested his head on mine. My heart started beating faster, how are you doing this to me Jimin?

Time Skip (after dinner)

   Tae's cooking is honestly pretty good, I should probably work on mine too. I walked out of the bathroom but then I accidentally bumped into someone as I was walking to my room... Jimin.

"Ah, sorry." I apologized

"Oh, it's okay." he smiled, "Going to sleep now?"

"Yeah, you?" I asked

"Yeah..." he smiled then went to his bedroom door, "Goodnight Y/n."

"Goodnight Jimin." I smiled back

   We both went inside our rooms, which were right next to each other. I only have a small crush on Jimin, but I like him a little bit more than yesterday, and tomorrow, I will probably like him a little bit more than today. Tae, fuck you for having an attractive best friend.

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