Chapter 9: Ducklings

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Y/n's POV:

   Me, Tae, and Jimin were walking in the park, because we were bored and had nothing to do.

   As we were walking, a group of people were running in our direction. We didn't think much of it, but they stopped running when they saw me. They started whispering to each other, but I could hear some of their words.

"Dude, she's hot." one of them whispered

"I know, right?" they whispered back, "Her ass looks perfect."

   They all looked at me, I got very uncomfortable. One of them did a catcall whistle, and Jimin was not having it.

"Excuse me?" Jimin glared at them, "Catcalling a girl isn't polite."

"What are you going to do about it?" he laughed

   One of them walked closer to me, Jimin shoved him out of the way.

"Fuck off, she's mine." Jimin growled then wrapped his arms around me

"Aww, a boyfriend protecting his precious girlfriend." they cooed, "How cute."

"Yeah, yeah, fuck off. My sister doesn't want you." Tae rolled his eyes

"Oh wow, an oppa protecting his little sister." another laughed

   Tae suddenly punched one of them in the face, Jimin held me closer to his chest. With that one punch, they all ran away. Damn, Tae can be scary sometimes.

"You didn't have to punch him." I mumbled

"Y/n, I had to." Tae shrugged

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked

"Yeah I'm fine, thank you." I hugged him

"Of course." he smiled, "You are mine, after all."

   My face turned red, why do you flirt with me? I hid my face in his chest, he laughed as he stroked my hair.

"Just date already." Tae ruined the moment

"Someday, not now." Jimin teased

"Really?" I looked up at him

"Maybe... maybe not." he chuckled

"You tease a lot." I rolled my eyes

"Anyways... let's get ice cream! There's an ice cream stand over there." Tae changed the subject

   We went over to the ice cream stand, but then I realized... I forgot my wallet.

"Shit, I forgot my wallet." I mumbled

"I only have enough money for one, you can have it." Tae smiled

"No, it's fine. You can have it." I told him

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm sure." I reassured him

Jimin's POV:

   Tae suddenly nudged me with his elbow, I furrowed my brows then looked at him. He gestured towards Y/n, huh?

"Buy her one." Tae whispered to me

"Oh right, okay." I agreed

   How did I not think of that? I'll probably be a bad boyfriend, if Y/n and I even start dating. I love you Y/n, believe me.

"Y/n, what flavor do you want?" I asked her

"You don't need to buy me one." Y/n frowned

"I insist, I wouldn't want you to be left out." I stroked her hair

"Hm... what are you getting?" she looked up at me

"I'm getting vanilla, do you want vanilla too?" I smiled

"Sure!" she agreed

   We all got our ice creams, Tae paid for his own and I paid for mine and Y/n's.

   Then we walked around the park some more, taking the long way back to the car. Our ice creams were eaten quickly.

We were walking past a lake, then Y/n started running off the trail. My eyes went wide then started running after her, she didn't stop running until... she squatted down in front of a mother duck and her baby ducklings.

"Aww, so cute!" Y/n giggled, "Chim, look at the baby ducklings! Aren't they adorable."

"I think you're cuter than them." I laughed

She then looked up at me, not believing what I just said. I chuckled softly at her reaction, I then squatted down in front of the ducks too.

Y/n picked up one of the ducklings, the mother duck didn't mind. She showed the duck to me, I smiled as she placed the duck in my hands. I ran my fingers along its soft feathers, it's so adorable! I placed the baby duck back into Y/n's hands, she pet the duck too.

"Y/n has always loved ducks, especially baby ducklings." Tae squatted down next to me

"Really?" I looked at him

"Yeah, it's one of her favorite animals." he smiled

"Ducklings are cute." I chuckled

   Y/n placed the duckling back onto the ground, it immediately went back in line with its other siblings, following the mother duck. Y/n followed them too, they then started going back into the lake. She looked a bit sad because they were leaving, but she brushed it off and waved goodbye to them happily.

   I went up to her and hugged her from behind, she got startled when she felt my arms around her waist.

"Were you in your own imaginary world for a second?" I joked

"Ducks are so cute." she smiled

"Hm, you're cuter tho." I hugged her tighter

"You're speaking nonsense." she laughed nervously

"Nonsense? How could I be speaking nonsense if what I'm saying is true?" I caressed her hair

"You're only testing your flirting on me, so you can flirt with your crush, the one Tae said you have." she said


"Yah, let's go home. We still need to buy our dinner tonight." Tae told us

"Okay!" Y/n and I replied

   Little did Y/n know, she is my crush. I'm trying my best to give you hints, but I don't think it's working.

   As we walked back to the car, I held her hand. I know you love me Y/n, I just need to tell you I love you back... soon, before you get taken away from me.

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