Chapter 4: Secret

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A Week Later

Jimin's POV:

Taehyung got back home from dropping off Y/n at her college, I think I should tell him my secret. I'm scared he will get mad at me, but I'll have to tell him eventually, right?

"Tae?" I got his attention

"Yeah?" he turned to me

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked, "Don't get mad at me, okay?"

"Huh? What is it?" he furrowed his brows

"I..." I trailed off

"You...?" he seemed confused

Jimin, just say it. You've been friends with Tae since high school, you should tell him everything.

"I-I like your sister." I forced myself to say it

"You what?" his jaw dropped slightly

"I like Y/n... please don't get mad." I frowned

"Why would I get mad?" he chuckled, "I'm honestly not that surprised, there was something about you when you saw her for the first time."

"Ah, really?" I started blushing

"I'm your best friend after all, of course I would notice." he laughed, "I'll help you get with her, without forcing her."

"Really?" my eyes lit up

"You like her that much?" he joked

"It was love at first sight when I met her." I smiled, "She's cute."

"Y/n and I are alike, we're both cute." he laughed, "Our parents are lucky that Y/n and I came out attractive, that's something to brag about."

"I'm the only child, they're lucky I came out cute." I laughed

"You're only cute if Y/n thinks you are." he teased

"I hope she does." I mumbled

"Hey, let's play Overwatch." he turned on his PlayStation

"Alright." I chuckled

Y/n's POV:

Time Skip (after school)

   I should tell Taehyung that I like his best friend, will he get mad? I hope not, I mean... if he says not to like him, I have to convince myself not to. He knows Jimin better than me, I should take his advice.

"Tae?" I said as I got in the car

"Yeah?" he looked at me

"Can I tell you something?" I put on my seatbelt

"Uh huh, what is it?" he smiled

"I... like Jimin." I told him honestly

"Oh shit- sorry." he mumbled

"Huh?" I got a bit worried, "Is it a bad idea?"

"No, no, no. It's fine." he reassured me

"Then why did you curse at first?" I furrowed my brows

"Uh... I don't know." he laughed nervously

"Right, anyways." I laughed, "What should I do?"

"I'll help you." he told me

"Wait, really?" I gave him puppy eyes

"Yes, of course! You're my sister after all." he chuckled, "Jimin will fall for you, I'm sure."

"But what if he doesn't? We played truth or dare a week ago. I asked him if he would date me, he said no." I frowned

"What? He's got to be lying, who wouldn't want to date you?" he laughed

"The person who I want to date." I replied sadly

"Keep your hopes up little sis, can't assume things this early." he smiled

"I guess you're right, thank you." I smiled

   We got home and Jimin greeted me when I walked in.

"Do you have homework?" Jimin asked

"A little bit, yeah." I said

"Do you need help?" he asked politely

"I didn't understand a few things, so yes please." I smiled

"Alright, let's go to your room." he motioned me to follow him

   I followed him up to my room, I sat at my desk and he sat beside me. I pulled out my homework and he scanned through it.

"Hm, what do you not understand?" Jimin asked

"This part." I pointed to it

"Oh okay." he smiled, "Here, I'll explain it."

Time Skip (an hour later)

   I finished my homework with the help of Jimin, he's really nice... but he hurt me and didn't know it.

   Taehyung then bursted into the room, Jimin and I turned to look at him.

"Y/n! Did you know what Jimin told me earlier?" Tae asked

"Taehyung, shut up!" Jimin yelled

"Jimin said he has a crush!" Tae told me

"On... who?" I asked

"On someone, he didn't tell me." he smiled

"Yah, Tae!" Jimin whined

   He has a crush? Who's his crush? He's interested in someone else? Just like almost every romance story, their crush ends up liking someone else besides them. I wanted to cry, but I can't right now.

"Ah, that's nice." I forced a smile, "I hope they like you back."

"Thanks." Jimin smiled too

   What were you thinking Y/n? You think he'd like you after knowing you for only a few weeks? You were living in your own fantasy, welcome to the reality.

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