Chapter 11: Hyung

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Jimin's POV:

   I parked in the driveway, then went inside the house. I went upstairs, I heard Jungkook and Y/n talking again in her room. I sticked my head into the room. But I accidentally hit my head on the door while doing so, disrupting the both of them.

"Chim, are you okay?" Y/n asked me

"Uh, yeah." I laughed nervously, "Sorry, I'll leave you two alone."

"No, no, no." she stood up from her chair and walked up to me, "We need help."

"With?" I asked

"We're confused on a lot of things." she frowned

"Ah okay." I stepped into her room

   Jungkook looked at me in awe, I was confused but then he snapped out of it.

"Sorry, are you a pharmacist?" Jungkook asked me, "Your work uniform looks like it."

"Yes I am." I smiled

"Oh wow..." he looked at me in awe once again, "You went to college for 8 years, right? That must've been hard."

"Yeah I did, but it was worth it." I chuckled

"Ah, sorry again. I'm Jeon Jungkook, Y/n's friend." he introduced himself

"I'm Park Jimin." I introduced myself, "Nice to meet you Jungkook."

"Nice to meet you too... can I call you hyung?" he asked me

"Oh, of course." I smiled

"It's nice that you two are getting along." Y/n laughed, "Anyways, help us Chim, please."

"Alright, let me see..." I looked at their papers

Time Skip (2 hours later)

"Hyung, did I get it right?" Jungkook asked me

"Yeah you did." I said

"Chim, how about me?" Y/n asked

"You did too." I smiled

"Alright, we're done!" she smiled

"I'll go home now, I told my mom I would be home by 7:30 pm." Jungkook said, "See you tomorrow."

"See you!" Y/n and I waved

Jungkook left, I then turned to Y/n. She smiled as our eyes met.

"See? No need to be jealous." Y/n laughed

"Hey, it's not my fault. He could've been stealing you from me." I frowned

"Like I would date him." she rolled her eyes

"Hm, are you saying you'd date me?" I teased

"N-No..." she mumbled

"Awh, nevermind then." I stood up to leave

"Yah, no! I'd... date you." she admitted

"You would?" I turned to face her

"Maybe." she giggled

"I'll turn that maybe into a yes." I chuckled

"You can try." she laughed

"I don't need to try if I already know you'll say yes." I ruffled her hair

   She started blushing, this girl is so cute. I pulled her into a hug, she hugged me back. Oh Y/n, please still be in love with me when I finally tell you how I feel...

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