Chapter 17: Official

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Few Days Later

Y/n's POV:


   Jimin and I went out for a cup of coffee this morning, we both got caffè mochas, like always

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   Jimin and I went out for a cup of coffee this morning, we both got caffè mochas, like always. We sat at a table at the window, he looked at me with a loving gaze.

"You're very pretty baby." Jimin randomly complimented me

"Thank you, you are very handsome." I complimented him back

"Sorry, I know that compliment was a bit random." he laughed

"It's okay!" I laughed with him

"Anyways, are you passing your classes?" he asked

"Yeah I am, it's only because you're helping me study." I smiled

"Aww, I'll always help you with anything." he smiled warmly

Jimin has been staying at Tae's house for a few months now, I wouldn't be surprised if he already moved in.

"Baby, I want to spend today with you. Where do you want to go?" Jimin asked

"I don't know... I'll go anywhere." I replied

"Hmm, how about that amusement park that opened a few days ago?" he suggested

"Ooh, sure!" I giggled

"Alright, don't rush drinking your coffee tho." he laughed

"Fine~" I rolled my eyes

"Cute..." he mumbled

Time Skip (in the car)

We were in the car, on the way to the amusement park. We were almost there, maybe 5 more minutes?

"Jimin, I don't feel like going on rollercoasters today." I frowned

"That's okay, we don't have to if you don't want to." he reassured me

"But what if you want to?" I asked

"Oh please, I don't like rollercoasters. Especially when I'm going by myself." he laughed

"Oh, are you scared?" I teased

"And so what if I am?" he pouted, "You don't want to either."

"That doesn't mean I'm scared, it's just that I don't feel like it." I chuckled

"Uh huh, okay." he smirked playfully

"Yah, I'm not scared!" I whined

"Haha, I believe you. You're just like Tae, he likes rollercoasters too but doesn't always feel like going on them." he chuckled

"We're very alike in some ways honestly, we're like distant twins." I laughed

Jimin paid access for up-close parking so we don't have to walk too far. We got out of the car and went inside, we heard people screaming on rollercoasters and kids laughing happily because they won a toy. The smell of food was everywhere, Jimin held my hand so I wouldn't wander off and get lost somehow.

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