Chapter 19: Visit

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A Few Weeks Later

Y/n's POV:

   My step-sister called me a few days ago, she told me that she would be visiting us today. Taehyung and I are in the car right now, on the way to the airport to pick her up. Jimin couldn't come with us because he has work today.

"I haven't met Min-Jung before." Tae told me

"Oh you're right! I forgot about that." I laughed

"What if she is uglier in person?" he joked

"Damn, then that's your problem." I joked too

"Anyways, we're here now." he parked the car

We both got out of the car and went inside the airport, it reminds me of when I came here from America. As I was looking around, I almost bumped into people. Taehyung grabbed my hand so I wouldn't wander off.

Tae and I looked at the huge screen with all of the flights on it, we looked for Min-Jung's flight and we found it. It says her flight just landed, we went over to the luggage claim area and waited for her there.

"I'm nervous." Tae chuckled

"Huh? Why?" I laughed

"I don't know, I felt nervous too when I had to pick you up from the airport too." he said

"Is it like a nervous excitement?" I asked

"Something like that, yeah. I'm excited to meet her of course, since we always make fun of each other online. It's like we're already really close, but I just haven't met her yet." he explained, "It's like meeting an online friend in person, you know?"

"I can understand that." I smiled

Suddenly I got a call from Min-Jung, I answered right away.

"Hey, where are you?" Min-Jung asked

"I'm with Tae at the luggage claim area." I told her

"Okay, I'll be there!" she said excitedly

I ended the call then looked around for her, so did Tae. We looked around for a bit until I finally saw her, she was running towards us, trying not to bump into people. She ran up to me and hugged me tight, I hugged her back too.

"Y/n, I missed you!" Min-Jung laughed

"I missed you too unnie!" I laughed along

We pulled away from the hug, Min-Jung then turned to Taehyung. She smiled then hugged him too.

"Nice to meet you, finally." she smiled

"Nice to meet you too." he chuckled and hugged her back

"I was expecting an insult, honestly." she laughed

"Come on, I'm not that mean..." he trailed off, "Dumbass."

"Yah, see what I mean?" she scoffed

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I am probably the nicest person you have ever met." he said sarcastically

"That's enough you two." I laughed, "Anyways, can we go home now and buy some food on the way?"

"Oh can we?" Min-Jung turned to Tae, "I was starving on that plane, I only had those airplane cracker things."

"Of course, what do you want to eat?" Tae asked the both of us while exiting the airport

"I'll eat anything honestly, how about you Y/n?" Min-Jung asked me

"Hm, I've been craving ramen recently." I said

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