Epilogue: Another Year

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10 Years Later

Y/n's POV:

   A few things have happened between when I got my first job and now.

   First of all, Jimin and I decided to move out together to a house a year after I got my job.

   Then Min-Jung moved to Korea and is now living with Taehyung, I bet they're probably arguing 24/7 like they always do.

   Jimin and I got married 6 years ago. Time went by went really fast, now that I'm thinking about it...

I suddenly heard the front door open and some giggling.

"Y/n!" Jimin called for me

"Yes?" I went downstairs to see what he needed

"Mommy! What's for dinner?" Yongsun asked me eagerly

Ah, did I mention we have a son yet? Sorry about that, haha..

"It's too early for dinner right now.. why, are you hungry?" I asked him

"Yes, I'm hungry!!" he pouted

"Ah okay, is a snack fine with you for now?" I led him to the pantry

He nodded and I gave him something to eat so he isn't hungry. He thanked me then went to his room upstairs to probably do homework.

I started making dinner, I decided to make tteokbokki because that's Yongsun's favorite.

Time Skip (after dinner)

Jimin tucked Yongsun into bed before going to our bedroom to go to sleep too.

"Y/n, have you ever thought about what has happened throughout the years?" Jimin asked me

"I was thinking about that before you and Yongsun came home actually." I laughed

"Really?" he chuckled, "Well, a lot has happened."

"Yeah.." I smiled

"I hope we will be together until the very end." he turned to me

"I hope so too." I said

"But for now, let's just live one day at a time. Let's not worry too much about the future." he told me

"I agree, let's do that." I laid down in bed

"Goodnight Y/n, I love you." he kissed my cheek

"Goodnight, I love you too." I kissed his cheek too

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