Chapter 8: Overheard

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Y/n's POV:

   I tried doing my homework by myself today, without the help of Jimin since he is at work still. He's like my personal tutor who makes everything make so much more sense. As I was writing, my phone started vibrating. I picked up my phone to see who was calling, my stepsister wants to video call? Hey, I haven't video called her ever since I moved here yet! I answered the video call.

"Y/n!" Min-Jung smiled

"Min-Jung Unnie!" I smiled too

"Yah, why haven't you video called me?" she pouted, "You know how much I said I'd miss you."

"Sorry unnie, I've been catching up on school." I frowned

"It's okay, school is more important." she smiled, "Anyways, where is Taehyung?"

"RIGHT HERE!" Tae yelled as he barged into my room

"Holy shit, you scared me." I put my hand on my chest

"Hi Tae!" Min-Jung waved at him

"Hi Min-Jung, how are you?" Tae waved back

"I'm good, are you taking care of Y/n?" she asked him

"Of course I am, but I take care of her better than you." he laughed

"Yah, no you don't! You probably gave her alcohol by now." she rolled her eyes

"Bold of you to assume that, I haven't done that." he said

"Yet." she added

"More like never." he shot back then walked to my door, "Anyways, I'm watching a kdrama. Talk to you later."

"Alright, see you." she laughed then Tae left my room

"Anyways..." I changed the subject, "Did my stepmother burn my room yet?"

"Surprisingly, no. Considering how much she hates you, I'm surprised she hasn't set fire to your stuffed animals." she laughed

"You can have my stuffed animals if you want." I smiled

"Really? I'm taking all of them right now." she grabbed her phone before running to my room

"I'm surprised you haven't taken any of them already." I laughed

"I need permission before doing so." she started grabbing a lot of them, "Speaking of stuffed animals, are you starting a collection over there too?"

"Yes I am, of course." I smiled

Time Skip (an hour later)

   I was still talking to Min-Jung, even after an hour later. She then brought up a topic I would normally not be nervous about.

"Y/n, do you like anybody? Tell me the truth." she smiled

"Uh..." I mumbled

"Hey, you would normally say no right away." she started getting excited, "Do you have a crush? Tell me!"

"Yes I do." I admitted

"Really?! Tell me all about them." she demanded, "A boy or girl?"

"A boy." I smiled

"What's his name?" she asked

"His name is..." I took a deep breath, "Jimin. Park Jimin."

"Park Y/n sounds nice." she joked

"Yah, shut up." I frowned

"Hehe, anyways. Tell me everything!" she smiled

"Jimin is Tae's best friend, he's very polite..." I started smiling, "He's really nice, he's attractive..."

"Aww, Y/n is in love~" she teased

"I know... but he doesn't like me back." I frowned

"What? How do you know?" she asked

"I asked him once if he would date me, he said no." I sighed, "He has a crush on someone too."

Jimin's POV:

   I heard everything Y/n said... Y/n likes me? Jimin, you're so bad for listening in on their conversation. I know, but I overheard them at first.

   Oh Y/n, I like you too... but I don't know how to tell you. I know I did say I wouldn't date you, but I lied. You don't understand how deeply in love I am with you, but at least I know she likes me back. She even said I was attractive, I'm probably the luckiest guy in the world right now.

   I went downstairs to talk to Tae, he was watching a kdrama but I don't care.

"Tae!" I yelled

"What?" Tae looked at me

"I overheard what Y/n and her stepsister were talking about." I said to him

"What were they talking about?" he asked

"About me." I smiled, "Y/n said she likes me!"

"No way..." he didn't seem surprised

"Aren't you happy for me?" I frowned

"You see Jimin... I knew Y/n liked you this entire time." he laughed nervously

"You WHAT?!" I yelled

"Sorry, sorry." he laughed, "It's fun."

"Tae, I've been paranoid this entire time and now you're telling me you knew this entire time?" I punched him in the chest

"Ouch, I said I'm sorry!" he whined, "But I can't tell her secret."

"You have a point." I sighed, "Anyways, what do I do now?"

"Pamper her, flirt with her, give her hints that you like her back." he suggested

"I'll try." I smiled

   We heard Y/n's door open upstairs, I then heard her walking downstairs. I immediately ran to the stairs, she got startled.

"Chim, you scared me." Y/n frowned

"Sorry." I pouted

"It's okay." she ruffled my hair

   I wrapped my arms around her waist then lifted her off the stairs, she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Did you miss me?" I smiled

"Yes~" she dug her face into the crook of my neck

"Did you try doing your homework by yourself?" I asked

"Yeah, but it's harder without you." she pouted cutely

"Oh okay, do you want a snack?" I carried her to the kitchen

"Sure." she smiled

Tae was looking at us weirdly, probably because we're acting like a couple. I'm literally carrying her, as well as taking care of her. I opened the pantry, I got two packs of strawberry pocky for Y/n and I. I went to the fridge then got two strawberry milk to go with it.

"Can you two just date already?" Tae teased

"Shut up Tae." I glared at him

"What? You two are already acting like a couple." he laughed, "I wouldn't be surprised if you two had sex without me knowing."

"What the fuck? We're out of here." I ran upstairs, still carrying Y/n

I sat Y/n down in her chair, I then helped her with her homework as we ate our food.

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