Chapter 16: Approval

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A Week Later

Y/n's POV:

   I was sleeping peacefully until I heard someone knocking on my door, then they peeked inside my room.

"Y/n?" Jimin called out

"Yes?" I yawned

"I'm sorry, did I disturb your sleep?" he frowned

"I mean, you kinda did." I said

"I'm sorry again, I'll leave." he smiled

"No, it's fine. Come here~" I reached my arms out to him

He chuckled softly and walked over to me. He leaned over and kissed my forehead, which gave me the chance to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into my bed. He wrapped his arms around me and laid next to me.

"Mmm, I love you." Jimin mumbled

"I love you too baby." I smiled

"Aww, you finally call me a nickname besides Jimin, ChimChim, or a Chim." he laughed

"I've never tried because I thought you wouldn't like it." I admitted

"Well I do like it, call me baby more often, okay?" he pecked my cheek

"Okay~" I giggled, "So why did you come here?"

"Tae told me that my parents are meeting up with your mom later for lunch, and they invited us. Well, your mother only invited me and Tae, but that's because she doesn't even know that you're here in Korea right now." he laughed, "My parents are the ones who invited you."

"Oh right, I forgot to tell her!" I chuckled

"You can surprise her today!" he smiled

"Also, why did your parents invite me?" I asked nervously

"I told them about you, and they said they really want to meet you." he explained

"I'm willing to meet them too, I'll come." I smiled

"Really? Let me pick your clothes!" he jumped up from the bed and went to my closet

"You don't have t-" he cut me off

"Too late." he looked at all the clothes in my closet

   He quickly picked out an outfit for me, something cute of course. He laid the outfit at the end of my bed then playfully pulled me out of bed.

"I won't look." Jimin turned away from me


"Okay, you can look now

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"Okay, you can look now." I said

"Oh wow, you look so cute!" Jimin smiled

"Thank you." I hugged him

"Of course babe." he pecked my cheek

"Why do you call each other cute nicknames even tho you two aren't even officially dating?" Tae suddenly asked, startling Jimin and I

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