Author's Note <3

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First off all, thank you for the support this book has gotten at this point of time!

I'll be honest with everyone, at around chapter 20-21 was when I started not being interested in writing this book anymore. Mainly because I had no more ideas anymore.

This book was made when Jimin was still my ult bias, but then my ult bias changed so I got more interested in writing about them instead.

I apologize for the very boring last few chapters and ending. I could've just discontinued the book right in the middle but I didn't because in my opinion, I'd rather get a boring ending instead of not getting an ending at all.

From this point on, I won't be writing fanfictions about Jimin or BTS in general. Don't get the wrong idea, I still love them, but I really don't have any fanfiction ideas for them anymore and I don't want to have to go through a headache of forcing myself to think of an idea for a chapter anymore.

   Also, coincidentally, Jimin's shirt has the number 12 on it on the cover of this book. And this book ended on the 12th of March, lmaoo

   Anyways, thank you for reading!


(Feel free to ask any questions about this book in the comments)


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