Chapter 6: Darkness

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A Few Days Later

Y/n's POV:

   I was watching Taehyung and Jimin play Overwatch together, I was sitting beside Jimin. Suddenly the PlayStation turned off, Tae went up to turn it back on but then the lights started flickering. I got scared and hugged Jimin while hiding my face in his chest without thinking.

"Hey, it's okay." Jimin comforted me, "They aren't flickering anymore... it's just darkness."

   I looked up from Jimin's chest, the whole place was dark. What just happened? Tae tried turning off the lights, but it was no use.

"There's a power outage." Jimin sighed

"Awh." I frowned

   I noticed I was still hugging Jimin, I unwrapped my arms around him but then he just pulled me closer again. I rested on his chest as we waited for Tae to make a source of light.

   As we were waiting, Jimin decided to start up a conversation.

"Are you scared of the dark?" Jimin asked me

"Not really..." I lied

   I'm 21 and I'm kind of scared of the dark, it's a bit embarrassing for me. Being scared of the dark sounds like a childish fear.

"BOO!" Tae yelled and grabbed my shoulders

"AHH!" I screamed then hugged Jimin to feel safer

   Tae bursted out laughing, Jimin chuckled softly while comforting me. Ah, I hate you Tae.

"Fuck you Tae." I mumbled

"Taehyung-ah, you're so mean." Jimin laughed

"Chill, I found a few flashlights." Tae handed one to each of us

"Should we go to sleep? It's 10:30 pm now." Jimin asked

"Sure, let's sleep and hope the electricity is back in the morning." Tae smiled

We all went upstairs, Taehyung went down the fall further to his room.

"Goodnight Y/n." Jimin smiled

"Goodnight ChimChim." I smiled back

I entered my room, I stood the flashlight on my bedside table. I laid in bed while on my phone, scrolling through social media.

Time Skip (few moments later)

I was about to fall asleep, but then my flashlight started flickering. I got scared so I hid under my blanket. When I looked back up, the whole room was pitch black. I'm more scared of flickering lights than darkness. Everything sounded so quiet, I could only hear the night breeze from outside my window. I was sleepy, but not anymore. I can't fall asleep...

"Fuck... what do I do?" I mumbled

Maybe I can go to... Jimin? Wait no, he'll think I'm clingy. Maybe he'll kick me out of his room? He will understand... right? Only one way to find out, I grabbed my phone then quietly opened my door. The dark hallways don't make my fear get any better. I opened Jimin's door, good thing it was unlocked.

I shut the door quietly then turned to his bed, where he was sleeping peacefully, not noticing my presence. I went over to the side of his bed, I don't want to wake him up... he looks so peaceful. Y/n... just ask him... wait, ask him what? Ask him if I can sleep with him? That's weird... maybe I shouldn't ask him?

"Y/n?" Jimin suddenly mumbled sleepily

"S-Sorry... I'll go back to my room." I went back towards his door

"Hey, tell me why you were here." he said

"C-Can I sleep with y-you?" I asked nervously

"O-Oh okay, but why?" he asked while lifting up the blanket for me

"I'm scared..." I admitted while getting under the blanket

"Scared of the dark? I thought you said earlier that you weren't." he chuckled then placed the blanket over my body

"I lied, I'm sorry." I frowned

"Hey, it's okay." he reassured me, "You can sleep with me."

"Thank you... but is this not weird to you?" I asked

"Hm, don't think about that." he smiled, "It's fine."

"Okay... goodnight ChimChim." I hugged him

"Goodnight Y/n." he hugged back as we fell asleep

Time Skip (in the morning)

A/n: *insert in the morning by ITZY*

Jimin and I were still sleeping peacefully, until someone busted into the room.

"Jimin, the electricity is ba- WHY IS Y/N SLEEPING WITH YOU?" Tae yelled, waking up the both of us

"Taehyung, you're so loud." Jimin frowned, "You woke us up."

"Why is my little sister sleeping with you?" Tae asked

"I got scared last night." I told Tae, "My flashlight ran out of battery."

"Uh huh, are you sure you two didn't make love?" Tae glared at us

"What? No!" Jimin yelled

Jimin's POV:

"Uh huh, are you sure you two didn't make love?" Tae glared at us

"What? No!" I yelled

   Suddenly Y/n hugged me and snuggled into my chest, I started blushing as I felt her breathing softly. I looked back up at Tae, he gave me a smirk. I looked back down at Y/n, she looks like an angel.

"ChimChim, you're so warm." Y/n hugged me tighter

"So cute..." I said to myself

"Taehyung Oppa, what's for breakfast?" she asked him

"I haven't started making it yet, I'll start now." Tae left my room

   I ruffled Y/n's hair. Y/n, why are you so perfect to me?

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