Chapter 22: Results

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Few Months Later (after graduating)

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, you're going to be late!" Tae scolded me from downstairs

"Sorry!" I yelled while running downstairs

"If you're going to be late for your interview, how are you supposed to get to work on time without getting fired?" he frowned

"Just shut up and let's go, we're going to be late because you can't stop talking." I glared

Before walking out the door, Jimin spoke from the living room.

"Good luck Y/n!!" he smiled

"Thank you!" I smiled too before exiting the house

Time Skip (at the pet hospital)

"I'll wait for you in the car, okay?" Tae told me

"Okay." I replied

"Good luck!" he told me before I got out of the car

"Thank you." I smiled

I'm getting heading to an interview to work as a veterinarian here, if that didn't seem obvious enough.

   I went inside and the manager spotted me right away, she smiled at me and motioned me to come over.

"You must be Kim Y/n, am I right?" she asked me

"Yes ma'am." I replied

"Okay! Although you're still a bit early, we can start your interview now if you'd like." she told me

   A bit early? Did Taehyung drive 100 mph or something? Before we left, I swear we were late. Oh well, I shouldn't complain.

"Of course we can." I smiled

"That's great! Follow me to my office." she said happily

   For a manager of a workplace, she seems like a very energetic and easygoing person.

Time Skip (after interview)

"Thank you for coming Y/n! You will receive an email later today for your results." she told me

"Thank you Miss Rim." I bowed

   I went back out to the parking lot to Tae's car and went in.

"How did it go?" he asked

"It went well, I hope I get the job." I mumbled

"Don't worry, stay confident. The more confident you are, the more likely you'll get accepted." he said

"Does it really work like that?" I laughed

"Not necessarily, but it's a confidence boost." he chuckled

Time Skip (at home)

   I've been waiting the whole day for that email, I'm starting to think I didn't get accepted. But it's not like staring at my phone is going to help with my worries.

   I exited my room and went downstairs to get some food, I didn't realize I was hungry until now.

"Did you get the email yet?" Jimin asked when he saw me coming downstairs

"Not yet." I sighed

"I ordered ramen." Tae said as he opened the door to grab it at the front door, "Eat first, don't stress out too much."

"Okay." I said

   We all sat down at the kitchen to eat ramen, I just ate instead of worrying.

"Here, have some tempura." Jimin pushed the plate towards me

"Thanks." I grabbed two pieces and ate one

Time Skip (after eating)

"Y/n, watch us play!" Tae said while turning on his PlayStation

"I'll beat you today." Jimin laughed

"Nah, you wish." Tae laughed too

   They started playing and I watched them, Tae was currently winning.

"See? You'll win in ur dreams." Tae laughed hysterically

"Damn, rematch!" Jimin rolled his eyes

   Suddenly I got a notification on my phone. I grabbed it from my pocket eagerly, I received an email!

   I opened the email immediately and read it in my head...

"Congratulations! You have been accepted. Please contact Miss Rim to discuss your work schedule."

   I smiled widely and looked up at Tae and Jimin who were still busy playing.

"Guys! I got accepted!" I yelled out

"Congrats!!" they said in sync while still playing

   Of course beating each other in a match is their biggest priority at the moment. They'll be happier after they stop playing later.

   I ran upstairs to my room to contact Miss Rim, like the email said. I sat at my desk and called the number that was attached to the email. She picked up almost immediately.

"Hello, congratulations Y/n!" she said excitedly in her usual energetic tone

"Thank you so much!" I smiled

"Of course!" she said, "Now, let's discuss your work schedule and your availability."

"Okay!" I agreed happily

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