5. Second Sailor

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A knock appeared at Usagi's hospital door.

"You're all set." Ami said, "It was nice to meet you." Usagi leaped from her bed revealing her regular day clothes instead of a hospital gown.

"It was a pleasure!" Usagi told cutely. Ami wrote on her clipboard walking out the entrance.

"It was, Usagi, have a nice day!" Ami said sweetly, and then left. Usagi gathered her things before exiting the room. It was of few days after the crow incident, and it was late. Then a sudden scream bursted through the halls.

"Did you hear that Luna?" Usagi questioned with a hint of fear.

"It sounded like Dr. Ami."


"SOMEONE HELP ME!" The screams grew louder till Usagi, now Sailor Moon, entered a hospital restricted area only for doctors.

"Sailor Moon!" Luna called before she stepped in.

"Use this." Luna threw a pen toward Sailor Moon.

"It's a Luna Pen." She tells. Sailor moon uses the pen instantly knowing what it's for. She exposes with light, and returns to her regular glow. She's wearing a doctors uniform.

"Stop right were you are you monster!" Sailor moon says strictly to the monster. Ami looked terrified.

"S-Sailor Moon?!" Sailor moon smirked, but before she knew it she got punched in the gut, and flew backwards. Sailor moon exclaimed with pain as she hit the wall harshly.

Ami watched with fear as her hero, no patient was being thrown around by a giant monster.

"Ami!" Sailor Moon screamed.

"Get out of here, Run!" Ami froze in place. She couldn't leave Sailor Moon, especially since she knew it was Usagi.

"P-Please Ami..." She pleaded as the monster threw another punch.

"Ami!" Ami looked down fearfully at the black cat.

"You have to save Usagi... You are the second sailor guardian... Sailor Mercury." She told.

"Leave my friend alone!" Ami barked, "Mercury Power Make-Up!" A bright light swirled in the room, bubbles misting as Ami twirled into a new transformation, blocking all the darkness, and destroying the monster with a spray of bubbles. The room regained its original light, and look.

"W-What am I wearing?!" Ami squeaked, "It's inappropriate!" Usagi rolled her eyes.


"So I'm a Sailor Guardian?" Ami questioned quietly handing a clear bag filled with a pill bottle to a nurse beside her. Usagi nodded.

"Both of us are. Let's just say how exhausting it is..." She whined rubbing her temple.

"We're coming together for the princess of the moon Princess Serenity." Luna whispers as she clings to Usagis shoulder, and leans closer to Ami so she's the only one who hears.

"So where is the princess?"

"We have to find her. With the help of you, Sailor Mercury."

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